Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Converting Words to Number in Sql Server

--select replace(replace(replace(replace('FOUR HUNDRED FIFTY - ONE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED THIRTY - FOUR','-','|'),' ',''),'HUNDRED','|'),'THOUSAND','|')
DECLARE @count int ,@i int, @Finalno varchar(50),@no varchar(10)
Set @count = 0
set @i=0
set @Finalno=''
select @count = MAX(id) from SplitPIPESep(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace('ONE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED ELEVEN','-','|'),' ',''),'MILLION','|'),'HUNDRED','|'),'THOUSAND','|'))

While @i < @count
    select @no = Convert(varchar(10),number)
    from (select id,seccontion from SplitPIPESep(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace('ONE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED ELEVEN','-','|'),' ',''),'MILLION','|'),'HUNDRED','|'),'THOUSAND','|'))) a
    inner join NumTowordMaster  b on b.words = a.seccontion
    where a.id=@i+1   
    SET @Finalno = @Finalno + @no   
    Set @i= @i +1
    select @Finalno

-- =============================================
-- Author:        <Author,,Narendra Kushwaha>
-- Create date: <Create Date, 29-10-2013>
-- Description:    <Description, ,>
-- =============================================
    -- Add the parameters for the function here
    @list nvarchar(MAX)
RETURNS varchar(max)
    -- Declare the return variable here
    DECLARE @NUMBER varchar(max), @pos int, 
           @nextpos int, 
           @value varchar(10),@valuedig varchar(10)
   SELECT @pos = 0, @nextpos = 1 
   WHILE @nextpos > 0 
      SELECT @nextpos = charindex('|', @list, @pos + 1) 
      SELECT @valuedig = Convert(varchar(10),number) From NumTowordMaster Where words = LTRIM(Rtrim(@nextpos))
      SET @value = @value + @valuedig
      select @value

    -- Add the T-SQL statements to compute the return value here
    SELECT <@ResultVar, sysname, @Result> = <@Param1, sysname, @p1>

    -- Return the result of the function


Data Contained in Table NumTowordMaster 

Monday, 28 October 2013

Recursive Queries Using Common Table Expressions

Recursive Queries Using Common Table Expressions

A common table expression (CTE) provides the significant advantage of being able to reference itself, thereby creating a recursive CTE. A recursive CTE is one in which an initial CTE is repeatedly executed to return subsets of data until the complete result set is obtained.
A query is referred to as a recursive query when it references a recursive CTE. Returning hierarchical data is a common use of recursive queries, for example: Displaying employees in an organizational chart, or data in a bill of materials scenario in which a parent product has one or more components and those components may, in turn, have subcomponents or may be components of other parents.
A recursive CTE can greatly simplify the code required to run a recursive query within a SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or CREATE VIEW statement. In earlier versions of SQL Server, a recursive query usually requires using temporary tables, cursors, and logic to control the flow of the recursive steps. For more information about common table expressions, see Using Common Table Expressions.
The structure of the recursive CTE in Transact-SQL is similar to recursive routines in other programming languages. Although a recursive routine in other languages returns a scalar value, a recursive CTE can return multiple rows.
A recursive CTE consists of three elements:
  1. Invocation of the routine.
    The first invocation of the recursive CTE consists of one or more CTE_query_definitions joined by UNION ALL, UNION, EXCEPT, or INTERSECT operators. Because these query definitions form the base result set of the CTE structure, they are referred to as anchor members.
    CTE_query_definitions are considered anchor members unless they reference the CTE itself. All anchor-member query definitions must be positioned before the first recursive member definition, and a UNION ALL operator must be used to join the last anchor member with the first recursive member.
  2. Recursive invocation of the routine.
    The recursive invocation includes one or more CTE_query_definitions joined by UNION ALL operators that reference the CTE itself. These query definitions are referred to as recursive members.
  3. Termination check.
    The termination check is implicit; recursion stops when no rows are returned from the previous invocation.
An incorrectly composed recursive CTE may cause an infinite loop. For example, if the recursive member query definition returns the same values for both the parent and child columns, an infinite loop is created. When testing the results of a recursive query, you can limit the number of recursion levels allowed for a specific statement by using the MAXRECURSION hint and a value between 0 and 32,767 in the OPTION clause of the INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or SELECT statement. For more information, see Query Hints (Transact-SQL) and WITH common_table_expression (Transact-SQL).

Pseudocode and Semantics

The recursive CTE structure must contain at least one anchor member and one recursive member. The following pseudocode shows the components of a simple recursive CTE that contains a single anchor member and single recursive member.
WITH cte_name ( column_name [,...n] )
CTE_query_definition –- Anchor member is defined.
CTE_query_definition –- Recursive member is defined referencing cte_name.
-- Statement using the CTE
FROM cte_name
The semantics of the recursive execution is as follows:
  1. Split the CTE expression into anchor and recursive members.
  2. Run the anchor member(s) creating the first invocation or base result set (T0).
  3. Run the recursive member(s) with Ti as an input and Ti+1 as an output.
  4. Repeat step 3 until an empty set is returned.
  5. Return the result set. This is a UNION ALL of T0 to Tn.
The following example shows the semantics of the recursive CTE structure by returning a hierarchical list of employees, starting with the highest ranking employee, in the Adventure Works Cycles company. A walkthrough of the code execution follows the example.
-- Create an Employee table.
CREATE TABLE dbo.MyEmployees
 EmployeeID smallint NOT NULL,
 FirstName nvarchar(30)  NOT NULL,
 LastName  nvarchar(40) NOT NULL,
 Title nvarchar(50) NOT NULL,
 DeptID smallint NOT NULL,
 ManagerID int NULL,
-- Populate the table with values.
 (1, N'Ken', N'Sánchez', N'Chief Executive Officer',16,NULL)
,(273, N'Brian', N'Welcker', N'Vice President of Sales',3,1)
,(274, N'Stephen', N'Jiang', N'North American Sales Manager',3,273)
,(275, N'Michael', N'Blythe', N'Sales Representative',3,274)
,(276, N'Linda', N'Mitchell', N'Sales Representative',3,274)
,(285, N'Syed', N'Abbas', N'Pacific Sales Manager',3,273)
,(286, N'Lynn', N'Tsoflias', N'Sales Representative',3,285)
,(16,  N'David',N'Bradley', N'Marketing Manager', 4, 273)
,(23,  N'Mary', N'Gibson', N'Marketing Specialist', 4, 16);

USE AdventureWorks2008R2;
WITH DirectReports (ManagerID, EmployeeID, Title, DeptID, Level)
-- Anchor member definition
    SELECT e.ManagerID, e.EmployeeID, e.Title, edh.DepartmentID, 
        0 AS Level
    FROM dbo.MyEmployees AS e
    INNER JOIN HumanResources.EmployeeDepartmentHistory AS edh
        ON e.EmployeeID = edh.BusinessEntityID AND edh.EndDate IS NULL
-- Recursive member definition
    SELECT e.ManagerID, e.EmployeeID, e.Title, edh.DepartmentID,
        Level + 1
    FROM dbo.MyEmployees AS e
    INNER JOIN HumanResources.EmployeeDepartmentHistory AS edh
        ON e.EmployeeID = edh.BusinessEntityID AND edh.EndDate IS NULL
    INNER JOIN DirectReports AS d
        ON e.ManagerID = d.EmployeeID
-- Statement that executes the CTE
SELECT ManagerID, EmployeeID, Title, DeptID, Level
FROM DirectReports
INNER JOIN HumanResources.Department AS dp
    ON DirectReports.DeptID = dp.DepartmentID
WHERE dp.GroupName = N'Sales and Marketing' OR Level = 0;

Example Code Walkthrough

  1. The recursive CTE, DirectReports, defines one anchor member and one recursive member.
  2. The anchor member returns the base result set T0. This is the highest ranking employee in the company; that is, an employee who does not report to a manager.
    Here is the result set returned by the anchor member:
    ManagerID EmployeeID Title                         Level
    --------- ---------- ----------------------------- ------
    NULL      1          Chief Executive Officer        0
  3. The recursive member returns the direct subordinate(s) of the employee in the anchor member result set. This is achieved by a join operation between the Employee table and the DirectReports CTE. It is this reference to the CTE itself that establishes the recursive invocation. Based on the employee in the CTE DirectReports as input (Ti), the join (MyEmployees.ManagerID = DirectReports.EmployeeID) returns as output (Ti+1), the employees who have (Ti) as their manager. Therefore, the first iteration of the recursive member returns this result set:
    ManagerID EmployeeID Title                         Level
    --------- ---------- ----------------------------- ------
    1         273        Vice President of Sales       1
  4. The recursive member is activated repeatedly. The second iteration of the recursive member uses the single-row result set in step 3 (containing EmployeeID 273) as the input value, and returns this result set:
    ManagerID EmployeeID Title                         Level
    --------- ---------- ----------------------------- ------
    273       16         Marketing Manager             2
    273       274        North American Sales Manager  2
    273       285        Pacific Sales Manager         2
    The third iteration of the recursive member uses the result set above as the input value, and returns this result set:
    ManagerID EmployeeID Title                         Level
    --------- ---------- ----------------------------- ------
    16        23         Marketing Specialist          3
    274       275        Sales Representative          3
    274       276        Sales Representative          3
    285       286        Sales Representative          3
  5. The final result set returned by the running query is the union of all result sets generated by the anchor and recursive members.
    Here is the complete result set returned by the example:
    ManagerID EmployeeID Title                         Level
    --------- ---------- ----------------------------- ------
    NULL      1          Chief Executive Officer       0
    1         273        Vice President of Sales       1
    273       16         Marketing Manager             2
    273       274        North American Sales Manager  2
    273       285        Pacific Sales Manager         2
    16        23         Marketing Specialist          3
    274       275        Sales Representative          3
    274       276        Sales Representative          3
    285       286        Sales Representative          3

Monday, 21 October 2013

Find and List Duplicate Rows and Values in SQL Server

To simply find duplicate values in a table use the following query (replacing "[ColumnName]" and "[TableName]" with the actual values):

SELECT [ColumnName], COUNT(*) AS [DupeCount]
FROM [TableName]
GROUP BY [ColumnName]

To find duplicate values and list the rows that contain them, use the following query:

FROM [TableName]
WHERE [ColumnName] IN
      SELECT [ColumnName]
      FROM [TableName]
      GROUP BY [ColumnName]
      HAVING COUNT(*) > 1
ORDER BY [ColumnName]

Applies to SQL Server 2005, SQL Server 2008.

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

SQL Server Maintenance Solution

SQL Server Backup

DatabaseBackup is the SQL Server Maintenance Solution’s stored procedure for backing up databases. DatabaseBackup is supported on SQL Server 2005, SQL Server 2008, SQL Server 2008 R2, and SQL Server 2012.


Download MaintenanceSolution.sql. This script creates all the objects and jobs that you need. You can also download the objects as separate scripts.


The SQL Server Maintenance Solution is free.



Select databases. The keywords SYSTEM_DATABASES, USER_DATABASES, and ALL_DATABASES are supported. The hyphen character (-) is used to exclude databases, and the percent character (%) is used for wildcard selection. All of these operations can be combined by using the comma (,).
Value Description
SYSTEM_DATABASES All system databases (master, msdb, and model)
USER_DATABASES All user databases
ALL_DATABASES All databases
Db1 The database Db1
Db1, Db2 The databases Db1 and Db2
USER_DATABASES, -Db1 All user databases, except Db1
%Db% All databases that have “Db” in the name
%Db%, -Db1 All databases that have “Db” in the name, except Db1
ALL_DATABASES, -%Db% All databases that do not have “Db” in the name


Specify backup root directories, which can be local directories or network shares. If you specify multiple directories, then the backup files are striped evenly across the directories. Specify multiple directories by using the comma (,). If no directory is specified, then the SQL Server default backup directory is used.
Value Description
NULL Back up to the SQL Server default backup directory. This is the default.
C:\Backup Back up to the directory C:\Backup.
C:\Backup, D:\Backup Back up to the directories C:\Backup and D:\Backup.
\\Server1\Backup Back up to the network share \\Server1\Backup.
\\Server1\Backup, \\Server2\Backup Back up to the network shares \\Server1\Backup and \\Server2\Backup.
DatabaseBackup creates a directory structure with server name, instance name, database name, and backup type under the backup root directory. If the database is a part of an availability group, then cluster name and availability group name are used instead of server name and instance name.


Specify the type of backup: full, differential, or transaction log.
Value Description
FULL Full backup
DIFF Differential backup
LOG Transaction log backup
DatabaseBackup uses the SQL Server BACKUP command: BACKUP DATABASE for the full backup, BACKUP DATABASE WITH DIFFERENTIAL for the differential backup, and BACKUP LOG for the transaction log backup.


Verify the backup.
Value Description
Y Verify the backup.
N Do not verify the backup. This is the default.
The Verify option in DatabaseBackup uses the SQL Server RESTORE VERIFYONLY command.


Specify the time, in hours, after which the backup files are deleted. If no time is specified, then no backup files are deleted.
Backup files are deleted after each database is backed up and verified. Backup files are deleted only if the backup and verification of the database were successful.
DatabaseBackup has a check to verify that transaction log backups that are newer than the most recent full or differential backup are not deleted. This is to guarantee that you can always perform a point-in-time restore.


Compress the backup. If no value is specified, then the backup compression default in sys.configurations is used.
Value Description
NULL Use the backup compression default in sys.configurations. This is the default.
Y Compress the backup.
N Do not compress the backup.
The Compress option in DatabaseBackup uses the COMPRESSION and NO_COMPRESSION options in the SQL Server BACKUP command.


Perform a copy-only backup.
Value Description
Y Perform a copy-only backup.
N Perform a normal backup. This is the default.
The CopyOnly option in DatabaseBackup uses the COPY_ONLY option in the SQL Server BACKUP command.


Change the backup type if a differential or transaction-log backup cannot be performed.
Value Description
Y Change the backup type if a backup cannot be performed.
N Skip the backup if a backup cannot be performed. This is the default.
DatabaseBackup checks differential_base_lsn in sys.master_files to determine whether a differential backup can be performed. If a differential backup is not possible, then the database is skipped by default. Alternatively, you can set ChangeBackupType to Y to have a full backup performed instead.
DatabaseBackup checks last_log_backup_lsn in sys.database_recovery_status to determine whether a transaction log backup in full or bulk-logged recovery model can be performed. If a transaction log backup is not possible, then the database is skipped by default. Alternatively, you can set ChangeBackupType to Y to have a differential or full backup performed instead.


Specify third-party backup software; otherwise, SQL Server native backup is performed.
Value Description
NULL SQL Server native backup (the default)
HYPERBAC Red Gate SQL HyperBac
LITESPEED NetVault LiteSpeed for SQL Server
SQLSAFE Idera SQL safe backup


Enable backup checksums.
Value Description
Y Enable backup checksums.
N Do not enable backup checksums. This is the default.
The CheckSum option in DatabaseBackup uses the CHECKSUM option in the SQL Server BACKUP command.


Specify the physical blocksize in bytes.
The BlockSize option in DatabaseBackup uses the BLOCKSIZE option in the SQL Server BACKUP command.


Specify the number of I/O buffers to be used for the backup operation.
The BufferCount option in DatabaseBackup uses the BUFFERCOUNT option in the SQL Server BACKUP command.


Specify the largest unit of transfer, in bytes, to be used between SQL Server and the backup media.
The MaxTransferSize option in DatabaseBackup uses the MAXTRANSFERSIZE option in the SQL Server BACKUP command.


Specify the number of backup files. The default is the number of backup directories and the maximum is 64 files.


Set the NetVault LiteSpeed for SQL Server, Red Gate SQL Backup, or Idera SQL safe backup compression level.
In NetVault LiteSpeed for SQL Server, the compression levels 0 to 8 are supported. In Red Gate SQL Backup, levels 0 to 4 are supported, and in Idera SQL safe backup, levels 1 to 4 are supported.


Enter a description for the backup.
The Description option in DatabaseBackup uses the DESCRIPTION option in the SQL Server BACKUP command.


Specify the NetVault LiteSpeed for SQL Server, Red Gate SQL Backup, or Idera SQL safe backup number of threads. The maximum number of threads is 32.


Specify the NetVault LiteSpeed for SQL Server maximum CPU usage, as a percentage.


Encrypt the backup.
Value Description
Y Encrypt the backup.
N Do not encrypt the backup. This is the default.


Specify the type of encryption.
Value Description
NULL No encryption (the default)
RC2-40 RC2 40-bit encryption (NetVault LiteSpeed for SQL Server)
RC2-56 RC2 56-bit encryption (NetVault LiteSpeed for SQL Server)
RC2-112 RC2 112-bit encryption (NetVault LiteSpeed for SQL Server)
RC2-128 RC2 128-bit encryption (NetVault LiteSpeed for SQL Server)
3DES-168 3DES 168-bit encryption (NetVault LiteSpeed for SQL Server)
RC4-128 RC4 128-bit encryption (NetVault LiteSpeed for SQL Server)
AES-128 AES 128-bit encryption (NetVault LiteSpeed for SQL Server, Red Gate SQL Backup, or Idera SQL safe backup)
AES-192 AES 192-bit encryption (NetVault LiteSpeed for SQL Server)
AES-256 AES 256-bit encryption (NetVault LiteSpeed for SQL Server, Red Gate SQL Backup, or Idera SQL safe backup)


Enter the key that is used to encrypt the backup.


Perform a backup of the primary filegroup and any read/write filegroups.
Value Description
Y Perform a backup of the primary filegroup and any read/write filegroups.
N Perform a normal backup. This is the default.
The ReadWriteFileGroups option in DatabaseBackup uses the READ_WRITE_FILEGROUPS option in the SQL Server BACKUP command.


Override the backup preference for availability groups. This option only applies to copy-only full backups and regular transaction log backups.
Value Description
Y Override the backup preference for availability groups.
N Do not override the backup preference for availability groups. This is the default.


Log commands to the table dbo.CommandLog.
Value Description
Y Log commands to the table.
N Do not log commands to the table. This is the default.


Execute commands. By default, the commands are executed normally. If this parameter is set to N, then the commands are printed only.
Value Description
Y Execute commands. This is the default.
N Only print commands.


A. Back up all user databases, using checksums and compression; verify the backup; and delete old backup files

EXECUTE dbo.DatabaseBackup
@Databases = 'USER_DATABASES',
@Directory = 'C:\Backup',
@BackupType = 'FULL',
@Verify = 'Y',
@Compress = 'Y',
@CheckSum = 'Y',
@CleanupTime = 24

B. Back up all user databases to a network share, and verify the backup

EXECUTE dbo.DatabaseBackup
@Databases = 'USER_DATABASES',
@Directory = '\\Server1\Backup',
@BackupType = 'FULL',
@Verify = 'Y'

C. Back up all user databases across four network shares, and verify the backup

EXECUTE dbo.DatabaseBackup
@Databases = 'USER_DATABASES',
@Directory = '\\Server1\Backup, \\Server2\Backup, \\Server3\Backup, \\Server4\Backup',
@BackupType = 'FULL',
@Verify = 'Y',
@NumberOfFiles = 4

D.Back up all user databases to 64 files, using checksums and compression and setting the buffer count and the maximum transfer size

EXECUTE dbo.DatabaseBackup
@Databases = 'USER_DATABASES',
@Directory = 'C:\Backup',
@BackupType = 'FULL',
@Compress = 'Y',
@CheckSum = 'Y',
@BufferCount = 50,
@MaxTransferSize = 4194304,
@NumberOfFiles = 64

E. Back up read/write filegroups of all user databases

EXECUTE dbo.DatabaseBackup
@Databases = 'USER_DATABASES',
@Directory = 'C:\Backup',
@BackupType = 'FULL',
@ReadWriteFileGroups = 'Y'

F. Back up the transaction log of all user databases, using the option to change the backup type if a log backup cannot be performed

EXECUTE dbo.DatabaseBackup
@Databases = 'USER_DATABASES',
@Directory = 'C:\Backup',
@BackupType = 'LOG',
@ChangeBackupType = 'Y'

G. Back up all user databases, using compression, encryption, and NetVault LiteSpeed for SQL Server, and limiting the CPU usage to 10 percent

EXECUTE dbo.DatabaseBackup
@Databases = 'USER_DATABASES',
@Directory = 'C:\Backup',
@BackupType = 'FULL',
@BackupSoftware = 'LITESPEED',
@Compress = 'Y',
@Encrypt = 'Y',
@EncryptionType = 'AES-256',
@EncryptionKey = 'MyPassword',
@Throttle = 10

H. Back up all user databases, using compression, encryption, and Red Gate SQL Backup

EXECUTE dbo.DatabaseBackup
@Databases = 'USER_DATABASES',
@Directory = 'C:\Backup',
@BackupType = 'FULL',
@BackupSoftware = 'SQLBACKUP',
@Compress = 'Y',
@Encrypt = 'Y',
@EncryptionType = 'AES-256',
@EncryptionKey = 'MyPassword'

I. Back up all user databases, using compression, encryption, and Red Gate SQL HyperBac

EXECUTE dbo.DatabaseBackup
@Databases = 'USER_DATABASES',
@Directory = 'C:\Backup',
@BackupType = 'FULL',
@BackupSoftware = 'HYPERBAC',
@Compress = 'Y',
@Encrypt = 'Y'

J. Back up all user databases, using compression, encryption, and Idera SQL safe backup

EXECUTE dbo.DatabaseBackup
@Databases = 'USER_DATABASES',
@Directory = 'C:\Backup',
@BackupType = 'FULL',
@BackupSoftware = 'SQLSAFE',
@Compress = 'Y',
@Encrypt = 'Y',
@EncryptionType = 'AES-256',
@EncryptionKey = '8tPyzp4i1uF/ydAN1DqevdXDeVoryWRL'


Execute the stored procedures from SQL Server Agent CmdExec jobs, using sqlcmd and the -b option. Pass the parameters to the stored procedures by name:
sqlcmd -E -S $(ESCAPE_SQUOTE(SRVR)) -d master -Q "EXECUTE dbo.DatabaseBackup @Databases = 'USER_DATABASES', @Directory = 'C:\Backup', @BackupType = 'FULL'" -b
Use SQL Server Agent output files to ensure that you always have a full set of information, in case of an error.
You can use the MaintenanceSolution.sql script to install the SQL Server Maintenance Solution. Then the sqlcmd commands and the output files will be configured for you.

Monday, 14 October 2013

Using Transparent Data Encryption in SQL Server 2008

I’ve got a juicy SQL Server post for you to ring in the new year – Transparent Data Encryption, available only in SQL Server 2008 Enterprise edition. This is good and powerful stuff that works, folks, so check it out here.
Sensitive information (passwords, credit card numbers, salary information, and so on) in your database needs to be encrypted. As of SQL Server 2005, you can encrypt and decrypt sensitive data columns in your tables using symmetric keys. You identify the columns that will hold sensitive information, and then invoke ENCRYPTBYKEY to store data in those columns, and DECRYPTBYKEY to retrieve data from those columns. The process is fairly straightforward, but it does require programming in your application for each encrypted column.
In SQL Server 2008 (Enterprise edition only), Microsoft has added a new feature called Transparent Data Encryption (TDE). This feature automatically encrypts the entire database (data and log files), as well as database backups, without requiring any programming or code changes to your application. The process is entirely transparent, hence the name Transparent Data Encryption. In this blog post, I’ll explain TDE, and demonstrate how to use this new security feature.
(Note that the NTFS file system in Windows Server 2000 and later provides a feature called Encrypted File System [EFS]. This feature also applies transparent encryption to any data stored on the hard drive, but it will not protect databases or backups that have been copied onto a CD or other media. TDE in SQL Server 2008 is based on a certificate that is needed to decrypt or restore any encrypted database, regardless of where the data is transferred.)
When TDE is first enabled for a specific database, SQL Server encrypts the database in the background. During this process, the database remains online and responsive to client requests (similarly, when encryption is disabled, SQL Server decrypts the database in the background). Encryption is performed at the page level, and does not increase the size of the database in any way. Once the entire database is encrypted, new data gets encrypted on the fly as it is written to disk, and all data gets decrypted when read back.

Multiple Protection Layers

Databases protected with TDE are encrypted with a Database Encryption Key (DEK). You create the DEK and store it in the database, but the DEK itself is associated with a certificate that you create separately in the master database. This means that a backup of the database includes the DEK, but doesn’t include the certificate upon which the DEK is based. Hence, TDE database backups are useless to prying eyes, since they cannot be restored without the certificate. Finally, the certificate itself is encrypted by the Service Master Key (SMK), also contained in the master database.
To get started, you’ll need to create an SMK, if your server doesn’t have one already. Then you can create a certificate for TDE that is encrypted by the SMK which can be used to create one encrypt one or more DEKs. Finally, you create a DEK against the certificate in each database to be encrypted and then enable encryption on the database.
The following diagram illustrates how TDE might be used to encrypt two databases on one server instance:

In this diagram, you can see that the master database holds the SMK (there can be one and only one SMK on any server instance). The master database also holds a certificate whose private key is encrypted by the SMK. The two databases MyDB1 and MyDB3 are each encrypted with DEKs that are, in turn, encrypted by the certificate. The DEKs are entirely dependent on the certificate, so copying or restoring these databases to another server instance without also transferring the certificate upon which the DEKs are based yields a totally unusable database. 

Creating a Service Master Key (SMK)

If your server already has an SMK, you can skip this step. An SMK can only be created in the master database, and there can only be one SMK per server instance. If you don’t already have an SMK, you can create one as follows: 
USE master

  ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD = 'Hrd2GessP@$$w0rd!' 

Creating a TDE Certificate

In general, certificates can be created in any database. However, certificates used for TDE must be created in the master database. It should be fairly obvious why the certificates used to encrypt DEKs in each encrypted database are stored outside the encrypted database in master (you wouldn’t want them stored in the encrypted database, as that would defeat the whole protection scheme!) 
USE master

  WITH SUBJECT = 'My Encryption Certificate' 
You can then query the sys.certificates view to confirm that the certificate has been created, as follows: 
SELECT name, pvt_key_encryption_type_desc FROM sys.certificates
  WHERE name = 'MyEncryptionCert'
The output confirms that the certificate was created and that its private key is protected by the master key, as shown here: 
name                             pvt_key_encryption_type_desc
-------------------------------- ----------------------------------
MyEncryptionCert                 ENCRYPTED_BY_MASTER_KEY  

(1 row(s) affected) 

Creating a Database Encryption Key (DEK)

Each database to be encrypted requires its own DEK, and each database’s DEK is in turn encrypted by the TDE certificate we just created in the master database. When creating the DEK, you can specify a particular encryption algorithm to be used. Supported algorithms include AES_128, AES_192, AES_256, TRIPLE_DES_3KEY. The DEK protects not only the data and log files, but backups too. Attempting to restore an encrypted database without the certificate is an exercise in futility.   The following T-SQL code creates a DEK for the MyDB database that specifies 128-bit encryption: 

Notice the ENCRYPTION BY SERVER CERTIFICATE clause that references the TDE certificate MyEncryptionCert we just created in the master database. This means that the MyEncryptionCert certificate must be present and available in the master database of the same server instance as MyDB, or the database will be rendered inaccessible.
(Because we have not yet backed up the TDE certificate, SQL Server issues a warning at this time alerting you to the fact that the certificate being used to encrypt the DEK has not been backed up. This warning should be taken seriously, since you will not be able to access any database encrypted by the DEK without the certificate. Should the certificate be lost or damaged, your encrypted databases will be completely inaccessible. Later in this post, I will show you how to back up and restore the certificate.)

Enabling TDE

With the SMK, certificate, and DEK prepared, you can start transparent data encryption on the database using the ALTER DATABASE…SET ENCRYPTION ON statement. For example: 
That’s all there is to it! From this point forward, the database and all of its backups will be encrypted. If an unauthorized party somehow gains access to the physical media holding any backups of MyDB, the backups will be useless without the certificate protecting the DEK. 

Querying TDE Views

You can query the catalog view sys.databases to see which databases are protected by TDE. For example: 
SELECT name, is_encrypted FROM sys.databases
The query results show that MyDB is the only encrypted database on the server: 
name                           is_encrypted
------------------------------ ------------
master                         0
tempdb                         0
model                          0
msdb                           0
ReportServer                   0
ReportServerTempDB             0
MyDB                           1  

(7 row(s) affected)
This output is somewhat misleading, however, since encrypting one or more databases results in the encryption of tempdb as well. This is absolutely necessary since tempdb is shared by all databases, and SQL Server must therefore implicitly protect temporary storage placed into tempdb by databases encrypted by TDE. But because the encryption in tempdb is implicit, is_encrypted is returned as 0 (false) by sys.databases for tempdb (you’ll see next that SQL Server does actually create DEK for tempdb). This can have an undesirable performance impact for unencrypted databases on the same server instance. For this reason, you may wish to consider isolating separate SQL Server instances; one for encrypted databases and one for non-encrypted databases.
You can also query the dynamic management view sys.dm_database_encryption_keys to see all the DEKs and to monitor the progress of encryption (or decryption, when you disable TDE) running on background threads managed by SQL Server. This view returns the unique database ID that can be joined on sys.databases to see the actual database name. For example, if we run the following query after enabling TDE, we can obtain information about the DEK and background encryption process: 
   sys.dm_database_encryption_keys AS keys
   INNER JOIN sys.databases AS dbs ON keys.database_id = dbs.database_id
If this query is executed after we enable TDE but before SQL Server has completed encrypting the entire database in the background, we get results similar to the following: 
name       encryption_state percent_complete key_algorithm    key_length
---------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- -----------
tempdb     3                0                AES              256
MyDB       2                78.86916         AES              128   

(2 row(s) affected) 
The value returned by encryption_state tells you the current status of encryption (or decryption), as follows:
1 = Unencrypted
2 = Encryption in progress
3 = Encrypted
4 = Key change in progress
5 = Decryption in progress (after ALTER DATABASE…SET ENCRYPTION OFF)
Certain database operations cannot be performed during any of the “in progress” states (2, 4, or 5). These include enabling or disabling encryption, dropping or detaching the database, dropping a file from a file group, taking the database offline, or transitioning the database (or any of its file groups) to a READ ONLY state. Also note the implicit DEK for tempdb created by SQL Server, which always uses AES_256 encryption.

Backing Up the Certificate

 It is extremely important to back up the server certificates you use to encrypt your databases with TDE. Without the certificate, you will not be able to access the encrypted database or restore encrypted database backups (which, of course, is the point of TDE). Attempting to restore an encrypted database without the certificate will fail with an error similar to this from SQL Server: 
Msg 33111, Level 16, State 3, Line 1
Cannot find server certificate with thumbprint '0x6B1FEEEE238847DE75D1850FA20D87CF94F71F33'.
Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally. 
Use the following statement to back up the server certificate to a file. In addition to the certificate itself, the certificate’s private key must also be saved to a file and protected with a password:
BACKUP CERTIFICATE MyEncryptionCert TO FILE='C:\MyEncryptionCert.certbak'
This statement creates two files: MyEncryptionCert.certbak is a backup of the server certificate, and MyEncryptionCert.pkbak is a backup of the certificate’s private key protected with the password Pr!vK3yP@ssword. Password protection is absolutely required when backing up the certificate’s private key. Both of these files and the password will be needed to restore an encrypted database backup onto another server or instance. At the risk of stating the obvious, these backup files and the private key password should be closely safeguarded.

Restoring the Certificate

Before an encrypted database can be restored elsewhere, the server certificate that its DEK is encrypted by must be restored first. And if the target instance does not have a master key, one must be created for it before the server certificate can be restored, as shown here:
USE master

To restore the server certificate from the backup files we made earlier, use an alternative form of the CREATE CERTIFICATE statement, as follows:
 FROM FILE='C:\MyEncryptionCert.certbak'
This statement restores the MyEncryptionCert server certificate from the certificate backup file MyEncryptionCert.certbak and the certificate’s private key backup file MyEncryptionCert.pkbak. Naturally, the password provided in the DECRYPTION BY PASSWORD clause must match the one that was used when the certificate’s private key was backed up or the certificate will fail to restore. With a successfully restored certificate, you can then restore the backup of any encrypted database whose DEK is based on the MyEncryptionCert certificate. 


With the growing concern about personal data protection and the proliferation of computer viruses, developing a methodology for secure computing continues to be a vital task for developers. With support for Transparent Data Encryption in SQL Server 2008, you can easily implement an additional layer of security by encrypting your entire database without making any code changes in your application. Now go give it a try, and enjoy!

Introduction to SQL Server Encryption and Symmetric Key Encryption Tutorial with Script

SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2008 provide encryption as a new feature to protect data against hackers’ attacks. Hackers might be able to penetrate the database or tables, but owing to encryption they would not be able to understand the data or make use of it. Nowadays, it has become imperative to encrypt crucial security-related data while storing in the database as well as during transmission across a network between the client and the server.
Encryption hierarchy is marked by three-level security. These three levels provide different mechanisms for securing data across networks and local servers. Different levels of hierarchies allow multiple instances of services (e.g., SQL Server Services) to run on one physical server.
  • Windows Level – Highest Level – Uses Windows DP API for encryption
  • SQL Server Level - Moderate Level – Uses Services Master Key for encryption
  • Database Level – Lower Level – Uses Database Master Key for encryption
There are two  kinds of keys used in encryption:
  • Symmetric Key – In Symmetric cryptography system, the sender and the receiver of a message share a single, common key that is used to encrypt and decrypt the message. This is relatively easy to implement, and both the sender and the receiver can encrypt or decrypt the messages.
  • Asymmetric Key – Asymmetric cryptography, also known as Public-key cryptography, is a system in which the sender and the receiver of a message have a pair of cryptographic keys – a public key and a private key – to encrypt and decrypt the message. This is a relatively complex system where the sender can use his key to encrypt the message but he cannot decrypt it. The receiver, on the other hand, can use his key to decrypt the message but he cannot encrypt it. This intricacy has turned it into a resource-intensive process.
Yet another way to encrypt data is through certificates. A public key certificate is a digitally signed statement that binds the value of a public key to the identity of the person, device, or service that holds the corresponding private key. A Certification Authority (CA) issues and signs certifications. Download complete script here.
Please create a sample database that we will be use for testing Encryption. There are two different kinds of encryptions available in SQL Server:
  • Database Level – This level secures all the data in a database. However, every time data is written or read from database, the whole database needs to be decrypted. This is a very resource-intensive process and not a practical solution.
  • Column (or Row) Level – This level of encryption is the most preferred method. Here, only columns containing important data should be encrypted; this will result in lower CPU load compared with the whole database level encryption. If a column is used as a primary key or used in comparison clauses (WHERE clauses, JOIN conditions) the database will have to decrypt the whole column to perform operations involving those columns.
Let’s go over a simple instance that demonstrates the encryption and the decryption process executed with Symmetric Key and Triple DES encryption algorithm.

/* Create Database  */
USE master
ON PRIMARY ( NAME = N'EncryptTest', FILENAME = N'C:\EncryptTest.mdf')
LOG ON ( NAME = N'EncryptTest_log', FILENAME = N'C:\EncryptTest_log.ldf')
First, let’s create a sample table and then populate it with sample data. We will now encrypt one of the two columns of the table.

/* Create table and insert data in the table */
USE EncryptTest
CREATE TABLE TestTable (FirstCol INT, SecondCol VARCHAR(50))
INSERT INTO TestTable (FirstCol, SecondCol)
SELECT 1,'First'
SELECT 2,'Second'
SELECT 3,'Third'
SELECT 4,'Fourth'
SELECT 5,'Fifth'
/* Check the content of the TestTable */
USE EncryptTest
FROM TestTable
The preceding code will return the result depicted in the subsequent figure.

Result of the SQL query
Every database can have one master key. Database master key is a symmetric key used to protect the private keys of certificates and asymmetric keys present in the database. It uses Triple DES algorithm together with user-provided password to encrypt the keys.

/* Create Database Master Key */
USE EncryptTest
BY PASSWORD = 'SQLAuthority'
Certificates are used to safeguard encryption keys, which are used to encrypt data in the database. SQL Server 2005 has the capability to generate self-signed X.509 certificates.

/* Create Encryption Certificate */
USE EncryptTest
The symmetric key can be encrypted by using various options such as certificate, password, symmetric key, and asymmetric key. A number of different algorithms can be employed for encrypting key. The supported algorithms are DES, TRIPLE_DES, RC2, RC4, RC4_128, DESX, AES_128, AES_192, and AES_256.

/* Create Symmetric Key */
USE EncryptTest
Now add a column of type varbinary to the original table, which will store the encrypted value for the SecondCol.

/*  Encrypt Data using Key and Certificate
Add Columns which will hold the encrypted data in binary */
USE EncryptTest
ADD EncryptSecondCol VARBINARY(256)
Before the key is used, it needs to be decrypted using the same method that was used for encrypting it. In our example, we have used a certificate for encrypting the key. Because of the same reason, we are using the same certificate for opening the key and making it available for use. Subsequent to opening it and making it available for use, we can use the encryptkey function and store the encrypted values in the database, in the EncryptSecondCol column.

/* Update binary column with encrypted data created by certificate and key */
USE EncryptTest
UPDATE TestTable
SET EncryptSecondCol = ENCRYPTBYKEY(KEY_GUID('TestTableKey'),SecondCol)
We can drop the original SecondCol column, which we have now encrypted in the EncryptSecondCol column. If you do not want to drop the column, you can keep it for future comparison of the data when we decrypt the column.

/* DROP original column which was encrypted for protect the data */
USE EncryptTest
We can run a SELECT query on our database and verify if our data in the table is well protected and hackers will not be able to make use of it even if they somehow manage to reach the data.
/* Check the content of the TestTable */
USE EncryptTest
FROM TestTable

Result of the previous SQL query
Authorized user can use the decryptbykey function to retrieve the original data from the encrypted column. If Symmetric key is not open for decryption, it has to be decrypted using the same certificate that was used to encrypt it. An important point to bear in mind here is that the original column and the decrypted column should have the same data types. If their data types differ, incorrect values could be reproduced. In our case, we have used a VARCHAR data type for SecondCol and EncryptSecondCol.
/* Decrypt the data of the SecondCol  */
USE EncryptTest
FROM TestTable

If you drop the database after the entire processing is complete, you do not have to worry about cleaning up the database. However, in real world on production servers, the database is not dropped. It is a good practice for developers to close the key after using it. If keys and certificates are used only once or their use is over, they can be dropped as well. Dropping a database will drop everything it contains – table, keys, certificates, all the data, to name a few.
/* Clean up database  */
USE EncryptTest
USE [master]
Encryption is a very important security feature of SQL Server 2005. Long keys and asymmetric keys create unassailable, stronger encryption and stronger encryption uses lots of CPU to encrypt data. Stronger encryption is slower to process. When there is a huge amount of data to encrypt, it is suggested to encrypt it using a symmetric key. The same symmetric key can be encrypted further with an asymmetric key for additional protection, thereby adding the advantage of a stronger encryption. It is also recommended to compress data before encryption, as encrypted data cannot be compressed.

Click to Download Scripts

Reference : Pinal Dave (http://blog.SQLAuthority.com)

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