I’ve got a juicy SQL Server post for you to ring in the new year –
Transparent Data Encryption, available only in SQL Server 2008
Enterprise edition. This is good and powerful stuff that
works, folks, so check it out here.
Sensitive information (passwords, credit card numbers, salary
information, and so on) in your database needs to be encrypted. As of
SQL Server 2005, you can encrypt and decrypt sensitive data columns in
your tables using symmetric keys. You identify the columns that will
hold sensitive information, and then invoke
ENCRYPTBYKEY to store data in those columns, and
to retrieve data from those columns. The process is fairly
straightforward, but it does require programming in your application for
each encrypted column.
In SQL Server 2008 (Enterprise edition only), Microsoft has added a
new feature called Transparent Data Encryption (TDE). This feature
automatically encrypts the
entire database (data and log
files), as well as database backups, without requiring any programming
or code changes to your application. The process is entirely
transparent, hence the name Transparent Data Encryption. In this blog
post, I’ll explain TDE, and demonstrate how to use this new security
(Note that the NTFS file system in Windows Server 2000 and later
provides a feature called Encrypted File System [EFS]. This feature also
applies transparent encryption to any data stored on the hard drive,
but it will not protect databases or backups that have been copied onto a
CD or other media. TDE in SQL Server 2008 is based on a certificate
that is needed to decrypt or restore any encrypted database, regardless
of where the data is transferred.)
When TDE is first enabled for a specific database, SQL Server
encrypts the database in the background. During this process, the
database remains online and responsive to client requests (similarly,
when encryption is disabled, SQL Server decrypts the database in the
background). Encryption is performed at the page level, and does not
increase the size of the database in any way. Once the entire database
is encrypted, new data gets encrypted on the fly as it is written to
disk, and all data gets decrypted when read back.
Multiple Protection Layers
Databases protected with TDE are encrypted with a Database Encryption
Key (DEK). You create the DEK and store it in the database, but the DEK
itself is associated with a certificate that you create separately in
master database. This means that a backup of the database
includes the DEK, but doesn’t include the certificate upon which the DEK
is based. Hence, TDE database backups are useless to prying eyes, since
they cannot be restored without the certificate. Finally, the
certificate itself is encrypted by the Service Master Key (SMK), also
contained in the
master database.
To get started, you’ll need to create an SMK, if your server doesn’t
have one already. Then you can create a certificate for TDE that is
encrypted by the SMK which can be used to create one encrypt one or more
DEKs. Finally, you create a DEK against the certificate in each
database to be encrypted and then enable encryption on the database.
The following diagram illustrates how TDE might be used to encrypt two databases on one server instance:

In this diagram, you can see that the
master database holds the SMK (there can be one and only one SMK on any server instance). The
database also holds a certificate whose private key is encrypted by the
SMK. The two databases MyDB1 and MyDB3 are each encrypted with DEKs
that are, in turn, encrypted by the certificate. The DEKs are entirely
dependent on the certificate, so copying or restoring these databases to
another server instance without also transferring the certificate upon
which the DEKs are based yields a totally unusable database.
Creating a Service Master Key (SMK)
If your server already has an SMK, you can skip this step. An SMK can only be created in the
database, and there can only be one SMK per server instance. If you
don’t already have an SMK, you can create one as follows:
USE master
Creating a TDE Certificate
In general, certificates can be created in any database. However, certificates used for TDE
must be created in the
master database. It should be fairly obvious why the certificates used to encrypt DEKs in each encrypted database are stored
outside the encrypted database in
master (you wouldn’t want them stored in the encrypted database, as that would defeat the whole protection scheme!)
USE master
WITH SUBJECT = 'My Encryption Certificate'
You can then query the
sys.certificates view to confirm that the certificate has been created, as follows:
SELECT name, pvt_key_encryption_type_desc FROM sys.certificates
WHERE name = 'MyEncryptionCert'
The output confirms that the certificate was created and that its private key is protected by the master key, as shown here:
name pvt_key_encryption_type_desc
-------------------------------- ----------------------------------
(1 row(s) affected)
Creating a Database Encryption Key (DEK)
Each database to be encrypted requires its own DEK, and each
database’s DEK is in turn encrypted by the TDE certificate we just
created in the
master database. When creating the DEK, you can specify a particular encryption algorithm to be used. Supported algorithms include
The DEK protects not only the data and log files, but backups too.
Attempting to restore an encrypted database without the certificate is
an exercise in futility. The following T-SQL code creates a DEK for
MyDB database that specifies 128-bit encryption:
Notice the
ENCRYPTION BY SERVER CERTIFICATE clause that references the TDE certificate
MyEncryptionCert we just created in the
master database. This means that the
MyEncryptionCert certificate must be present and available in the
master database of the same server instance as
MyDB, or the database will be rendered inaccessible.
(Because we have not yet backed up the TDE certificate, SQL Server
issues a warning at this time alerting you to the fact that the
certificate being used to encrypt the DEK has not been backed up. This
warning should be taken seriously, since you will not be able to access
any database encrypted by the DEK without the certificate. Should the
certificate be lost or damaged, your encrypted databases will be
completely inaccessible. Later in this post, I will show you how to back
up and restore the certificate.)
Enabling TDE
With the SMK, certificate, and DEK prepared, you can start transparent data encryption on the database using the
That’s all there is to it! From this point forward, the database and
all of its backups will be encrypted. If an unauthorized party somehow
gains access to the physical media holding any backups of
MyDB, the backups will be useless without the certificate protecting the DEK.
Querying TDE Views
You can query the catalog view
sys.databases to see which databases are protected by TDE. For example:
SELECT name, is_encrypted FROM sys.databases
The query results show that MyDB is the only encrypted database on the server:
name is_encrypted
------------------------------ ------------
master 0
tempdb 0
model 0
msdb 0
ReportServer 0
ReportServerTempDB 0
MyDB 1
(7 row(s) affected)
This output is somewhat misleading, however, since encrypting one or more databases results in the encryption of
tempdb as well. This is absolutely necessary since
tempdb is shared by all databases, and SQL Server must therefore implicitly protect temporary storage placed into
tempdb by databases encrypted by TDE. But because the encryption in
tempdb is implicit,
is_encrypted is returned as 0 (false) by
sys.databases for
tempdb (you’ll see next that SQL Server does actually create DEK for
tempdb). This
can have an undesirable performance impact for unencrypted databases on
the same server instance. For this reason, you may wish to consider
isolating separate SQL Server instances; one for encrypted databases and
one for non-encrypted databases.
You can also query the dynamic management view
to see all the DEKs and to monitor the progress of encryption (or
decryption, when you disable TDE) running on background threads managed
by SQL Server. This view returns the unique database ID that can be
joined on
sys.databases to see the actual database name. For
example, if we run the following query after enabling TDE, we can obtain
information about the DEK and background encryption process:
sys.dm_database_encryption_keys AS keys
INNER JOIN sys.databases AS dbs ON keys.database_id = dbs.database_id
If this query is executed after we enable TDE but before SQL Server
has completed encrypting the entire database in the background, we get
results similar to the following:
name encryption_state percent_complete key_algorithm key_length
---------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- -----------
tempdb 3 0 AES 256
MyDB 2 78.86916 AES 128
(2 row(s) affected)
The value returned by
encryption_state tells you the current status of encryption (or decryption), as follows:
1 = Unencrypted
2 = Encryption in progress
3 = Encrypted
4 = Key change in progress
5 = Decryption in progress (after
Certain database operations cannot be performed during any of the “in
progress” states (2, 4, or 5). These include enabling or disabling
encryption, dropping or detaching the database, dropping a file from a
file group, taking the database offline, or transitioning the database
(or any of its file groups) to a READ ONLY state. Also note the implicit
DEK for
tempdb created by SQL Server, which always uses AES_256 encryption.
Backing Up the Certificate
It is extremely important to back up the server certificates you use
to encrypt your databases with TDE. Without the certificate, you will
not be able to access the encrypted database or restore encrypted
database backups (which, of course, is the point of TDE). Attempting to
restore an encrypted database without the certificate will fail with an
error similar to this from SQL Server:
Msg 33111, Level 16, State 3, Line 1
Cannot find server certificate with thumbprint '0x6B1FEEEE238847DE75D1850FA20D87CF94F71F33'.
Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.
Use the following statement to back up the server certificate to a
file. In addition to the certificate itself, the certificate’s private
key must also be saved to a file and protected with a password:
BACKUP CERTIFICATE MyEncryptionCert TO FILE='C:\MyEncryptionCert.certbak'
This statement creates two files:
MyEncryptionCert.certbak is a backup of the server certificate, and
MyEncryptionCert.pkbak is a backup of the certificate’s private key protected with the password
Password protection is absolutely required when backing up the
certificate’s private key. Both of these files and the password will be
needed to restore an encrypted database backup onto another server or
instance. At the risk of stating the obvious, these backup files and the
private key password should be closely safeguarded.
Restoring the Certificate
Before an encrypted database can be restored elsewhere, the server
certificate that its DEK is encrypted by must be restored first. And if
the target instance does not have a master key, one must be created for
it before the server certificate can be restored, as shown here:
USE master
To restore the server certificate from the backup files we made earlier, use an alternative form of the
CREATE CERTIFICATE statement, as follows:
FROM FILE='C:\MyEncryptionCert.certbak'
This statement restores the MyEncryptionCert server certificate from the certificate backup file
MyEncryptionCert.certbak and the certificate’s private key backup file
MyEncryptionCert.pkbak. Naturally, the password provided in the
must match the one that was used when the certificate’s private key was
backed up or the certificate will fail to restore. With a successfully
restored certificate, you can then restore the backup of any encrypted
database whose DEK is based on the
MyEncryptionCert certificate.
With the growing concern about personal data protection and the
proliferation of computer viruses, developing a methodology for secure
computing continues to be a vital task for developers. With support for
Transparent Data Encryption in SQL Server 2008, you can easily implement
an additional layer of security by encrypting your entire database
without making any code changes in your application. Now go give it a
try, and enjoy!