Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Making a registration system with Asp.Net and Linq-to-SQL

This registration has a slick interface and user verification

NOTE* I do not cover encryption in this tutorial, but I highly discourage storing plain-text passwords in your DB!

It is inevitable that every programmer will want to eventually make a site which requires registration. Then you need to deal with spam accounts and all that good stuff. This is part one of a series of tutorials, where I will show you how to set up a registration process that requires a valid email address. I will be building on the code provided here for the next tutorial and so on. In the future, I will also include a login process I developed that will lock out accounts after a certain amount of attempts, retrieve passwords, and all sorts of other goodies. But before users can log in, they have to register.

I will be using a lot of other people's stuff in this example, such as jQuery, jQuery extensions, Grid960 and so on as well as a lot of my own Extensions, etc. With that said, this is going to have a lot of 'extras' included such as Ajax functionality and some UI niceties to make it a quality interface - you can feel free to cut these parts out, but I feel it will be nice for those that want it. All of the code referenced is included.


The first step is setting up your user table in the database. The most important thing to think of here is: what am I going to need to collect? I am all about being as simple as possible, so I am going to require two things: email and password - that is it. This is what I came up with:
  • userid - the primary key integer
  • email - the user's email
  • password - user's password
  • guid - guid for verification
  • created - date created; both for record keeping and to see if it was not confirmed after a long time it can be removed
  • confirmed - whether or not it is confirmed
  • last try* - the last login
  • number of failed logins* - number of failures for lockout

The two starred items will not really be used in this too tutorial and are optional if you do not want to prevent unlimited login attempts; though they will be relevant in upcoming tutorials.

Here is the SQL to create my table for users:
CREATE TABLE dbo.users (
password_ VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL,


Now that we have our table, go ahead and drag it into a dbml - for this example, I will use one named db.dbml. Now we have our access layer built, we can work on making a registration control; I will be making an ascx registration control, so it can be plugged in aywhere I want to use it. Since I am only collecting two bits of information, this will be a simple control. Here is the markup, I will explain it afterwards:

<asp:UpdatePanel ID="upContact" runat="server">
    <div class="pad">
      <asp:Panel ID="Report runat="server" />
      <asp:Panel ID="pnlRegister" runat="server" DefaultButton="registerSubmit">
        <div class="pad_sides">
              <asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="rfvRegisterEmail" runat="server" CssClass="validate" ValidationGroup="register"
                ControlToValidate="registerEmail" ErrorMessage="required" Display="Dynamic" />
            <asp:RegularExpressionValidator ID="regRegisterEmail" runat="server" ControlToValidate="registerEmail"
                ErrorMessage="invalid email" CssClass="validate" Display="Dynamic" ValidationGroup="register"
            <asp:TextBox ID="registerEmail" runat="server" CssClass="inputBig full" />
            <asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="rfvRegisterPassword" runat="server" CssClass="validate" ValidationGroup="register"
                ControlToValidate="registerPassword" ErrorMessage="required" Display="Dynamic" InitialValue="8 character minimum" />
            <asp:RegularExpressionValidator ID="regRegisterPassword" runat="server" CssClass="validate" ValidationGroup="register"
              ControlToValidate="registerPassword" ErrorMessage="must be at least 8 characters" Display="Dynamic"
              ValidationExpression="^.{8}.*$" />
          <asp:TextBox ID="registerPassword" runat="server" CssClass="inputBig full wm watermark" Text="8 character minimum" />
        <div class="summary field">
          <asp:LinkButton ID="registerSubmit" CssClass="button"
            Text="submit" runat="server" ValidationGroup="register" onclick="registerSubmit_Click" />
</asp:UpdatePanel>, there is a lot going on here, so I will go part by part.

First of all, you will notice that it is within a Asp.Net UpdatePanel which I have been trying to get away from for most things, but for such small controls I have found that is is the best way to go about it: easy and fast.

Next you will see that I have added a Panel with an ID of "Report" - I use this as a standard in most applications as to where to output my 'updates' to the user. This is explained here. The code for this is included in the Extensions.cs file.

Next there is a good amount of validation going on.
  • First I use RequiredFieldValidators for both fields
  • Then I added the RegularExpressionValidator for emails
  • Then I added the RegularExpressionValidator for password length
  • Finally you will notice that the password entry has a watermark which is called via jQuery in the MasterPage

You might notice that I am not using a password field or asking for password verification. This is something you might want to do, but for this example, security is not really a concern, simplicity is; so I figure if you can see your password, you wont screw it up. Also, since we will be adding a password retrieval function, this won't be a big deal.


That is the markup, but now we have to go to the code so it actually does something. Now what does this have to accomplish?
  • Check if the Email has already been registered
  • Create a new entry in the users table
  • Send an email with a verification link

Not too much going on here, here is the code for accomplishing that, followed by an explanation:

using System;

public partial class controls_register : System.Web.UI.UserControl
  protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (this.Attributes["in_page"] != null)

  protected void registerSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
      dbDataContext db = new dbDataContext();
      if(Users.DuplicateEmail(db, registerEmail.Text))
        throw new Exception("email already registered");
      Guid g = Guid.NewGuid();
      user u = new user()
        created = DateTime.Now,
        email = registerEmail.Text,
        guid_ = g,
        password_ = registerPassword.Text,
      Email email = new Email(registerEmail.Text, Settings.Get("gm"),
        "please verify your email address",
        "" + g.ToString()); //we will get to this in the next tutorial
      Report.Success("account successfully created", "please check your email to verify your account");
      pnlRegister.Visible = false;
      catch (Exception ex)

The first thing that happens here is the check for if the Attribute "in_page" is set. This is a bit of a sidebar as it just takes care of duplicate validators if there is more than one of these controls on the page, since I plan on showing how to use them both as a modal popup as well as a standalone page I had to add this check; that way, if you are filling out the popup instead of the form on the page it makes sure that it will not fire the validation for the form you are not using, all it does is change the validation group. The code is visible in the Utils class if you are curious about it. Don't really worry about this too much right now, as it will be covered in an upcoming tutorial.

Next it checks if the email is a duplicate. This calls the Users.cs class, we will get to that next; just remember for now it returns true if it is already in the system, false if not.

If it is new, a new user is then made and inserted into the DB via Linq-to-SQL.

An email is made and sent to the user with the link to the authorization page (which will be coevered in the next tutorial). This is sent using a simplified Email class. The authorization is the guid which was produced - I will cover the authorization page in the next part of the tutorial.

Then the user is notified of the status whether it is success or error using the panel reporting extensions.

This is all pretty simple, all that is left is to explain what is going on in the Users.cs class which is also simple:

using System.Linq;

public static class Users
  public static user GetFromEmail(dbDataContext db, string email)
  { return db.users.First(u =>; }

  public static bool DuplicateEmail(dbDataContext db, string email)
      user temp = GetFromEmail(db, email);
      span class="var">return true;
    catch { return false; }

As you can see, this is just two basic LINQ queries, the first one retrieving a user object based on an email string. And the duplicate check which tries to find a user with the given email, if it can, it will return true, meaning it is already in there, otherwise it spits out a false.

And that is all there is to it so far. It is not yet a working system as the user has not verified their identity, but we have accomplished the base of a registration system:
  • Collected the user's email address
  • Collected their password
  • Produced a unique Guid for verification
  • Sent them an email to verify their identity

Now we have it all built, we just need to display everything and call the necessary scripts. I am going to stick all of these pages within a masterpage which calls the scripts in the Page_Load:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
  Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptInclude(typeof(demo), "jQuery", ResolveUrl("~/js/jquery.js"));
  //this will be used in the next tutorial
  Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptInclude(typeof(demo), "jQuery", ResolveUrl("~/js/jqModal.js"));

Then just call the control (registered in the web.config file) and the js in the markup:

<cc:register id="reg" runat="server" />

and call the watermark frorm jQuery:

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
   $().ready(function() {
     swapValues = [];
     $(".wm").each(function(i) {
       swapValues[i] = $(this).val();
       $(this).focus(function() {
         if ($(this).val() == swapValues[i]) {

Notice that I am calling the watermark in the masterpage. This may seem strange, but this stops me from writing redundant code as this will take care of *all* watermarks that I will put into this project due to the versatiliy of jQuery.

All we have to do to complete this registration process is to verify the email which will be the next part to this tutorial. I am also going to show how to add this into a registration popup. The hard part is all finished.

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