Thursday, 25 September 2014

php-redmine-api/Issue.php at master

namespace Redmine\Api;
* Listing issues, searching, editing and closing your projects issues.
* @link
* @author Kevin Saliou <kevin at saliou dot name>
class Issue extends AbstractApi
const PRIO_LOW = 1;
const PRIO_NORMAL = 2;
const PRIO_HIGH = 3;
const PRIO_URGENT = 4;
* List issues
* @link
* available $params :
* - offset: skip this number of issues in response (optional)
* - limit: number of issues per page (optional)
* - sort: column to sort with. Append :desc to invert the order.
* - project_id: get issues from the project with the given id, where id is either project id or project identifier
* - tracker_id: get issues from the tracker with the given id
* - status_id: get issues with the given status id only. Possible values: open, closed, * to get open and closed issues, status id
* - assigned_to_id: get issues which are assigned to the given user id
* - cf_x: get issues with the given value for custom field with an ID of x. (Custom field must have 'used as a filter' checked.)
* - query_id : id of the previously saved query
* @param array $params the additional parameters (cf avaiable $params above)
* @return array list of issues found
public function all(array $params = array())
return $this->retrieveAll('/issues.json', $params);
* Get extended information about an issue gitven its id
* @link
* available $params :
* include: fetch associated data (optional). Possible values: children, attachments, relations, changesets and journals
* @param string $id the issue id
* @param array $params extra associated data
* @return array information about the issue
public function show($id, array $params = array())
return $this->get('/issues/'.urlencode($id).'.json?'.http_build_query($params));
* Build the XML for an issue
* @param array $params for the new/updated issue data
* @return SimpleXMLElement
private function buildXML(array $params = array())
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement('<?xml version="1.0"?><issue></issue>');
foreach ($params as $k => $v) {
if ('custom_fields' === $k && is_array($v)) {
$this->attachCustomFieldXML($xml, $v);
} elseif ('watcher_user_ids' === $k && is_array($v)) {
$watcher_user_ids = $xml->addChild('watcher_user_ids', '');
$watcher_user_ids->addAttribute('type', 'array');
foreach ($v as $watcher) {
$watcher_user_ids->addChild('watcher_user_id', (int) $watcher);
} elseif ('uploads' === $k && is_array($v)) {
$uploads_item = $xml->addChild('uploads', '');
$uploads_item->addAttribute('type', 'array');
foreach ($v as $upload) {
$upload_item = $uploads_item->addChild('upload', '');
foreach ($upload as $upload_k => $upload_v) {
$upload_item->addChild($upload_k, $upload_v);
} else {
$xml->addChild($k, $v);
return $xml;
* Create a new issue given an array of $params
* The issue is assigned to the authenticated user.
* @link
* @param array $params the new issue data
* @return SimpleXMLElement
public function create(array $params = array())
$defaults = array(
'subject' => null,
'description' => null,
// 'project' => null,
// 'category' => null,
// 'status' => null,
// 'tracker' => null,
// 'assigned_to' => null,
// 'author' => null,
'project_id' => null,
'category_id' => null,
'priority_id' => null,
'status_id' => null,
'tracker_id' => null,
'assigned_to_id' => null,
'author_id' => null,
'due_date' => null,
'start_date' => null,
'watcher_user_ids' => null,
$params = $this->cleanParams($params);
$params = array_filter(array_merge($defaults, $params));
$xml = $this->buildXML($params);
return $this->post('/issues.xml', $xml->asXML());
// $json = json_encode(array('issue' => $params));
// return $this->post('/issues.json', $json);
* Update issue information's by username, repo and issue number. Requires authentication.
* @link
* @param string $id the issue number
* @param array $params
* @return SimpleXMLElement
public function update($id, array $params)
$defaults = array(
'id' => $id,
'subject' => null,
'notes' => null,
// 'project' => null,
// 'category' => null,
// 'status' => null,
// 'tracker' => null,
// 'assigned_to' => null,
// 'author' => null,
'category_id' => null,
'priority_id' => null,
'status_id' => null,
'tracker_id' => null,
'assigned_to_id' => null,
'due_date' => null,
$params = $this->cleanParams($params);
$params = array_filter(array_merge($defaults, $params));
$xml = $this->buildXML($params);
return $this->put('/issues/'.$id.'.xml', $xml->asXML());
* @param int $id
* @param string $watcher_user_id
* @return void
public function addWatcher($id, $watcher_user_id)
return $this->post('/issues/'.$id.'/watchers.xml', '<user_id>'.$watcher_user_id.'</user_id>');
* @param int $id
* @param string $watcher_user_id
* @return void
public function removeWatcher($id, $watcher_user_id)
return $this->delete('/issues/'.$id.'/watchers/'.$watcher_user_id.'.xml');
* @param int $id
* @param string $status
* @return void
public function setIssueStatus($id, $status)
$statusId = $this->client->api('issue_status')->getIdByName($status);
return $this->update($id, array(
'status_id' => $statusId
* @param int $id
* @param string $note
* @return void
public function addNoteToIssue($id, $note)
return $this->update($id, array(
'notes' => $note
* Transforms literal identifiers to integer ids
* @param array $params
* @return array
private function cleanParams(array $params = array())
if (isset($params['project'])) {
$params['project_id'] = $this->client->api('project')->getIdByName($params['project']);
if (isset($params['category'])) {
$params['category_id'] = $this->client->api('issue_category')->getIdByName($params['project_id'], $params['category']);
if (isset($params['status'])) {
$params['status_id'] = $this->client->api('issue_status')->getIdByName($params['status']);
if (isset($params['tracker'])) {
$params['tracker_id'] = $this->client->api('tracker')->getIdByName($params['tracker']);
if (isset($params['assigned_to'])) {
$params['assigned_to_id'] = $this->client->api('user')->getIdByUsername($params['assigned_to']);
if (isset($params['author'])) {
$params['author_id'] = $this->client->api('user')->getIdByUsername($params['author']);
return $params;
* Attach a file to an issue issue number. Requires authentication.
* @link
* @param string $id the issue number
* @param array $attachment
* @return bool|string
public function attach($id, array $attachment)
$request['issue'] = array(
'id' => $id,
'uploads' => array(
'upload' => $attachment
return $this->put('/issues/'.$id.'.json', json_encode($request));
* Remove a issue by issue number
* @param string $id the issue number
public function remove($id)
return $this->delete('/issues/'.$id.'.xml');

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