Tuesday, 9 July 2013

C# Tutorials

Creating Type-Safe And Reusable Code Using Generics

Generics means parameterized types. They enable you to create classes, interfaces, methods and delegates in which the type of data operated on is specified as a parameter. Using generics, it is possible to create a single class that works with different types of data.

Advantages of generics

A single generic type definition can be used for multiple scenarios in the same code, without any alterations. For example, consider that you are writing code to add two numbers. Prior to the concept of generics, the best way to handle this was to create overloads of a method with different data types and return the value. However, now you can create a generic method and call it with values of the required data type.

Type safety
Generic data types provide better type safety, especially in situations
where collections are used. In a Collection class, when you add objects, the compiler does not check the type of the object you are adding. As a result, the cast at run time may fail. On the other hand, you can use generics to define the type of objects to be passed to a collection and the compiler at compile time ensures that only those objects are passed. This improves type safety and reduces the possibility of type casting errors.

Generic types perform better than normal system types because they
reduce the need for boxing, unboxing, and type casting the variables or objects.

Assigning Null Values To Value Types Using Nullable Types

.NET 2.0 provides a new feature called the Nullable data type that you can use to assign null values for value type variables. A Nullable data type can store null values in addition to the normal set of values. For eg, if you define a Nullable int data type, it can store either a Null value or an integer value.

Implementing Collections And Generics

By using collections, you can store several items within one object. Collections have methods that you can use to add and remove items. These methods automatically resize the corresponding data structures without requiring additional code.

Collections are classes that are used to store arbitrary objects in a structured manner.

Non-Generic Collections
Can store multiple types of objects in the collection simultaneously. Additionally, all objects are stored as System.Object. When you retrieve an object from a non-generic collection, you have to explicitly cast it to the type you want to work with.

Generic Collections
Are new in .NET 2.0. When you create an instance of a generic collection, you determine and specify the data type you want to store in that collection. Generic collections support the storage of both value types and reference types. They are type-safe.

Collection Interfaces
A collection interface is the backbone of a collection class because each interface allows the collection class to support a different behavior. For eg, the IList interface allows your collection to behave like a list and be indexed, and the IDictionary interface allows your collection to behave like a dictionary where items can be retrieved by a key. Every collection class, non-generic or generic, implements at least one or more collection interfaces. The non-generic version of collection interfaces is available in the System.Collections namespace, and the generic version is available in the System.Collections.Generic namespace.
·        IComparable
·        ICollection
·        IList
·        IComparer
·        IEqualityComparer
·        IDicitionary
·        IEnumerable
·        IEnumerator

Primary Collection Types (NON-GENERIC)

1.   ArrayList Class (System.Collections)
Represents a list, which is similar to a single-dimensional 
array that you can resize dynamically.

2.   Stack Class (System.Collections)
Follows the last-in, first out (LIFO) principle, where elements are added to and removed from a collection at the same end of the stack.

3.   Queue Class (System.Collections)
Follows the first-in, first-out (FIFO) principle,  where
elements are added to a collection at one end of the
queue and removed from the other end.

Iterating Through Elements of A Collection Using Enumerators
You can provide the iteration functionality for user-defined classes by implementing the IEnumerable interface and overriding the GetEnumerator method. By implementing this interface, you can iterate through the members of the class by using a foreach loop. Prior to .NET 2.0, a class had to implement the IEnumerable interface and then override the GetEnumerator method in order to support enumeration. In .NET 2.0, C# language includes a new feature called iterators. Iterators are the methods that allow you to support enumeration without having to implement the IEnumerable interface. You apply iterators by using the yield statement. Iterators allow you to create classes and treat those as enumerable types and enumerable objects. This process is called implementing an enumerable pattern.

How Reference Types Are Accessed Based On Key/Value Pairs And  Comparers

.NET provides the dictionary-style lookup classes to help you sort objects on the basis of name/value pairs. The Comparer, Hashtable, and SortedList classes are available in the System.Collections namespace.

Comparer Class
Compares two objects and determines whether they are less than, equal to, or greater than each other. You can use this class to sort a collection. It is case-sensitive. Compare method returns –1, 0, or 1 if
the objects compared are less than, equal to, or greater than one another.

Hashtable Class
Represents a collection of name/value pairs that are organized on the
basis of the hash code of the key being specified. With the Hashtable class, you can dynamically add and remove elements without reindexing.

SortedList Class
Represents a collection of name/value pairs that are accessible either by a key or by an index but are sorted only by keys. When you add an element to the SortedList class, it is inserted in the correct sort order, and the indexing adjusts accordingly.

BitArray Class
A bit structure represents a collection of binary bits—1s and 0s. These 1s and 0s are represented as Boolean values, where a binary 1 is true and a binary 0 is false. A bit structure is ideal in cases where you need to keep track of a large number of items and the value of each item is binary. The size of a bit structure in the memory depends on the number of elements in the collection.

Generic Collections

Generic List Class
Provides methods to search, sort, and manipulate the elements of
a generic list. The generic List class can be considered similar to the generic version of the ArrayList class. By using the generic List class, you can create a generic list that behaves like an ArrayList. Unlike an ArrayList, however, the List class can store either reference types or value types, while the ArrayList stores only the System.Object type. This eliminates the need to box, unbox, and cast the elements from a System.Object data type.

Generic Stack and Queue Classes
Stacks and queues follow the FIFO or LIFO behavior.

Generic Dictionary, SortedList And SortedDictionary Classes

Generic LinkedList Class
Allows you to define nodes that have a common data type, each node pointing to the previous and following nodes. A collection with this behavior is referred to as a doubly linked list. With a strongly typed doubly linked list you can traverse forward and backward through the nodes to reach a particular node. You can perform several operations such as addition, deletion, and retrieval of elements from a doubly linked list. You need to declare the data type of nodes while creating a doubly linked list.

Working With Specialized Collections
You are developing an application that uses collection classes. You find that the application is unable to retrieve a specific object from a SortedList collection. You check the SortedList and find it in order. However, you discover that while adding a particular object to the collection, the key is specified as a lowercase string, however, while retrieving the same object, the key is an uppercase string. This problem would not have arisen if a SortedList could be case insensitive. Moreover, because the collections in this application have keys as strings, you need to create a generic List collection with the target type as string to ensure that the collections provide type safety. Such requirements are met by using the specialized collections available in the System.Collections.Specialized namespace.

Specialized collections are predefined collections that serve a special or highly specific purpose.

Some Uses:
·        To implement a small collection to store a maximum of 10 elements, by using key/value pairs similar to the Hashtable class. You want the performance of this collection to be extremely effective.
·        You want to implement a type-safe ArrayList class for string values and also have the appropriate enumerators for it. Another way of doing this is to use a generic collection like the List class by specifying the associated type as string.
·        You want to create a SortedList class that is not case-sensitive.

StringCollection Class
Represents a collection of strings and is a strongly typed version of the ArrayList class for string elements.

StringDictionary Class
Implements a hash table with the key and the value strongly typed to be strings rather than objects. The key cannot be a null reference but the value can. The key is handled in a case-insensitive manner; this means that it is translated to lowercase before it is used with the string dictionary.

CollectionsUtil Class
Provides static methods for creating collections that ignore the case in strings. The methods provided by the CollectionsUtil class create caseinsensitive instances of Hashtable and SortedList classes. These methods generate a case-insensitive instance of the collection by using case-insensitive implementations of the hash code provider and the Comparer class. The resulting instance can be used like any other instances of that class.

ListDictionary Class
Is a simple implementation of the IDictionary interface by using a singly linked list. It is smaller and faster than the Hashtable class if the number of elements is 10 or fewer. Each element of the ListDictionary class is a key/value pair of the type DictionaryEntry.

HybridDictionary Class
Uses the appropriate implementation for a dictionary depending on the size of the collection. You can use a HybridDictionary when you are uncertain about the number of items that you will store in your collection. If you frequently store 10 elements or less, you can use ListDictionary internally for their storage. If you store more than 10 elements, you can use Hashtable to internally store these elements. Therefore, you always use the most efficient storage mechanism by using the HybridDictionary class.

OrderedDictionary Class
Represents a collection of key/value pairs that are ordered on the basis of a key or an index. Each element is a key/value pair stored in the DictionaryEntry object.

Creating String-Based Keys Using Specialized Classes
The System.Collections.Specialized namespace in the .NET Framework provides various named collection classes that help you create collections with string-based keys.

These classes include NameObjectCollectionBase,  NameObjectCollectionBase.KeysCollection, and NameValueCollection.

These classes provide the abstract base class for a collection of associated string keys and object values that can be accessed either by the key or by the index. These collections are very useful when you are working with a collection of strings.

NameObjectCollectionBase Class
Provides the abstract base class for a collection of associated string keys and object values that can be accessed by either the key or by the index. The underlying structure for this class is a hash table.

NameObjectCollectionBase.KeysCollection Class
Represents a collection of the string keys of a collection. You can retrieve KeysCollection of a particular NameObjectCollectionBase by using its Keys property. KeysCollection contains the available string keys in a collection and you can traverse through the keys by using the index for the keys or by retrieving the enumerator for KeysCollection.

NameValueCollection Class
Represents a collection of associated string keys and string values that can be accessed by either the key or the index. This collection is based on the NameObjectCollectionBase class.

When you add elements to a NameValueCollection, the capacity is automatically increased as required through reallocation.

Creating Custom Collections Using Collection Base Classes
Collection base classes provide the abstract base class for strongly typed non-generic collections. You can create custom or user-defined collections by using the two types of collection base classes, CollectionBase and ReadOnlyCollectionBase. Because these classes are abstract, you cannot create instances of these classes.

You need to derive your own classes from collection base classes. Custom or userdefined collections derived from the CollectionBase class are modifiable. This means that after creating these collections, you can add, remove, and change the items they contain. In contrast, collections derived from the ReadOnlyCollectionBase class are read-only. You cannot modify the objects created from this class.

Creating Custom Dictionary Types Using Dictionary Base Types
Dictionary base types provide the most convenient way to implement a custom dictionary type. The implementing class just needs to provide methods and properties through which the elements can be stored and accessed from the dictionary.

DictionaryBase Class
Provides the abstract base class for a strongly typed collection of key/value pairs. Each element in a DictionaryBase collection is of type
DictionaryEntry. You can use the DictionaryBase class to implement a dictionary style lookup collection, where a corresponding key refers to a corresponding object in the collection.

Reading And Writing Files   
.NET 2.0 provides classes to control every aspect of interaction between the application and the file system. Application types ranging from Console applications to Web applications and Windows applications can make use of the file system classes to store, isolate, compress, and validate user-supplied data.

Managing The File System  
The ability to save and retrieve data requires interaction with the underlying file system of the application. Interaction with the underlying environment is referred to as input and output. .NET provides classes in the System.IO namespace to assist in managing the underlying environment.

Accessing File Paths Using The Path Class
Accesses each segment of a file or directory path, including the drive letter, the directory name, the file name, the file extension, and the path segment separator. In addition, you can manipulate each segment of a file or directory path by using this class.

You can specify paths in 2 ways.
A path that fully specifies all the segments of the file or
directory path from the drive letter to the desired directory or
file name and extension is referred to as an absolute path, for
example, C:\Windows\System32.

A path that specifies only segments of a file or directory path
necessary to locate the file or directory related to the current 
file or directory is referred to as a relative path, for example,

Accessing Files Using File and FileInfo Classes
A file is a container for text. Although a file may contain text of only a single type at any given time, the text may be in formats such as plain text, encrypted text, serialized binary text, or Extended Markup Language (XML). Files may reside in any directory in a file system.

The File class is a static class that is used to work with a file. It is commonly used when only a single operation is performed on a file. It performs security checks for each method that is called on the
File class to ensure that the user is granted permission to perform the action on the file. The File class performs security checks for each method that is called on the File class to ensure that the user is granted permission to perform the action on the file.

The FileInfo(extends FileSystemInfo class) class is an instance class commonly used to perform multiple operations on a file. In contrast to the File class, the FileInfo class only performs a security check for the user after the class is instantiated.

Accessing Directories Using Directory And DirectoryInfo Classes
A directory is a location for storing files and other directories in a directory tree structure. You organize the files into directories. All directories reside on a drive and each directory may or may not contain subdirectories.
.NET provides 2 classes, Directory and DirectoryInfo, in the System.IO namespace for directly working with the directories. The Directory and DirectoryInfo classes function in a similar manner as the File and FileInfo classes with the exception that the Directory and DirectoryInfo classes apply to directories instead of files. This is because the DirectoryInfo class, like the FileInfo class, also extends the FileSystemInfo class.

Accessing Drives Using The DriveInfo Class
A drive is a partition on a physical hard disk, which is used to store information in a computer. Drives are represented by letters A, B, C, and D that typically represent floppy disk drives, local hard disk drives, and local CD-ROM/DVD-ROM drives.

.NET Framework provides the DriveInfo class and the DriveType enumeration for directly working with the drives.

The DriveInfo class is an instance class that extends the FileSystemInfo class and is used to work with a drive. You can query an instance of the DriveInfo class to determine information about the drive, such as the drive letter, the type of drive, and the amount of free space on the drive.

The DriveType enumeration is a helper enumeration for the DriveInfo class used to determine the type of drive represented by an instance of the DriveInfo class.

The FileSystemWatcher Class
You use the FileSystemWatcher class to monitor the current directory and its subdirectories for changes in the directories or files contained in the directory. The events commonly monitored by the FileSystemWatcher class include Changed, Created, Deleted, Error, and Renamed. Each of these events can apply to a file or a directory.

The FileSystemWatcher class uses a buffer to store event notifications until it can address them. Windows notifies the FileSystemWatcher class of events by adding event notifications to the buffer. This buffer is similar to an array and is fixed in size.
If many events occur simultaneously, the buffer may overflow and stop recording detailed event notifications.

To prevent a buffer overflow, you can increase the initial size of the buffer using the InternalBufferSize property. However, this consumes memory resources. You can also prevent a buffer overflow by using the NotifyFilter and IncludeSubdirectories properties by creating a filter so that only particular files and directories are monitored.

Handling File System Events Using FileSystemWatcher Class
The following are the event handler delegates of the FileSystemWatcher class.

Indicates the method that will be called if an error occurs.

Indicates the method that will be called if a file or directory
being monitored by an instance of the FileSystemWatcher class
is renamed.

Working With Byte Streams
A stream is used to bridge the gap between your application and a file so that you can store and retrieve data from a file.

.NET provides stream classes in the System.IO namespace to assist reading data from and writing data to files and memory.

A stream serves as a conduit between application code and a data backing store. A data backing store may include a database, file, memory, or any other entity capable of persisting data. A file represents a single type of data backing store because it is a container for text, binary, or image data.

The process of moving bytes of data through a conduit and between endpoints is called streaming. You cannot pass data directly between these endpoints. Therefore, a stream is used to connect the two endpoints while storing or retrieving data. For example, a stream connects an endpoint, such as the application code, to another endpoint, such as a file.

For eg, media and other content can be streamed in a Web environment when a media player, such as Windows Media Player is connected to a media source and bytes of data are retrieved for playback.

The Stream Class
The Stream class is an abstract class that provides the base functionality for all streaming classes in .NET.

A stream represents stream of bytes of data.

A stream performs the following three primary tasks:

Is the process of reading a series of bytes from a data source. by using a stream.

Is the process of writing a series of bytes to a data source by using a stream. Most streams support the ability to maintain a pointer within the series of bytes contained in the stream as well as the ability to move the pointer within the stream.

Is the process of maintaining and manipulating a location pointer within a stream.

Managing File Data Using The FileStream Class
Is a concrete class that extends the Stream class and is used to stream data to and from a file.


Managing Memory Data Using The MemoryStream Class
Is a concrete class. It extends the Stream class and is used to stream data to and from application memory.

The data stored in memory does not persist because when you shut down an application, the data in the memory is deleted. Therefore, for the data to persist, you need to store it in a file.

The MemoryStream class provides a performance benefit. Reading data from and writing data to memory results in better performance than reading from and writing to a file. If the data is used temporarily as working data, it should be stored in memory instead of a file.

Improving Stream Performance Using The BufferedStream Class
Is a concrete class that extends the Stream class and is used to provide an additional memory buffer to another type of stream. This class must be configured to either read or write when an instance of the class is created, but it cannot be configured to perform both the tasks at the same time.

Applying the BufferedStream class to an existing .NET stream results in a double buffer.

The most common application of the BufferedStream class is in custom stream classes that do not include a built-in buffer.

Compressing and Protecting Stream Information
To reduce the amount of space that the stream uses, you can  compress a stream before saving or transferring it and then decompress the stream before using it. During compression, the bytes in a file are first converted into a stream and then the stream is
compressed. While the stream is being compressed, insignificant bytes of data are removed from the byte stream.

While removing the insignificant bytes of data, a map is created so that the bytes removed during compression can be replaced during decompression, and the format of the bytes is converted to a more compact format.

Compression is the process of making a file smaller by encoding the information by using fewer bits. Decompression is the process of using the map that was created during compression to restore a compressed file to its original state and size.

Compressing Information Using the DeflateStream Class

The DeflateStream class provides methods for compressing and decompressing streams by using the Deflate algorithm. The Deflate algorithm is an industry-standard algorithm for lossless file compression and decompression. Lossless file compression allows the
reconstruction of the exact data from the compressed data. You cannot use the DeflateStream class to compress files larger than 4 GB.

Compressing Stream Information Using The GZipStream Class
To check for errors that occur during compression or share compressed data with programs written for other operating systems, you should use the GZipStream class instead of the DeflateStream class.

The GZipStream class contains methods to compress and decompress files by using the GZip data format. Files that are compressed by using the GZipStream format are saved with the extension gz. The GZip utility is often used by other operating systems. You cannot use the GZipStream class to decompress files larger than 4 GB.

The GZipStream class uses the same algorithm as the DeflateStream class, but you can extend it to use other compression formats. The GZipStream class is a wrapper around the DeflateStream class that includes a header, a body, and a footer. The compressed data is stored in the body and the information in the header and footer allows the GZipStream class to check for errors that occur during the compression process.                      ***Class33.cs***
Isolated Storage
Isolated store is a unique data compartment that helps store data of an application. This allows the application to protect its data from other applications.

Isolated storage allows an application to protect its data from other applications. It also allows the application to save the data without using a hard-coded path to the file.

Isolated storage enables you to store data in a unique data compartment called a store. An isolated store can be associated with an application, an assembly, a domain, a user, or any combination of these items.

In addition, you can associate an isolated store with a roaming profile of a user so that the data is available wherever the user uses the application. When you use isolated storage, the location of the data is transparent to you because the data compartment is an abstraction rather than a physical location.

You cannot determine the fully qualified path to the isolated storage files that the application saves because isolated storage uses cryptographically strong names for directories.

The IsolatedStorageFile and IsolatedStorageStream classes allow a .NET application to save data locally by using isolated storage.

The IsolatedStorageFile class represents an isolated storage area or isolated store, which contains files and directories. The IsolatedStorageFile class represents an isolated store and not a file. The isolated store is assigned to an assembly, and it helps you read and write data without hard-coding the location of the file in the application code.

The IsolatedStorageFileStream class exposes a file within the isolated storage. The IsolatedStorageFileStream class works with the IsolatedStorageFile class to read, write, and create files in isolated storage.

You can create an isolated store that is scoped to the machine or to the user. Within that scope, you can then associate the isolated store with an application, assembly, or a domain.     ***Class34.cs***
Managing Application Data

What Is Text, Stream, String And Binary Data?


Represents character data stored in a data backing store, such as a text file or a text column. You can read text from a data backing store by using the TextReader class and write text to the data backing store by using the TextWriter class.


A stream is a conduit for reading bytes from and writing bytes to a data backing store. .NET provides the StreamReader and StreamWriter classes to read and write text to a file. Both of these classes read and write characters based on a particular character-encoding configuration. In addition NET provides 3 Stream classes, FileStream, MemoryStream, and BufferedStream that are used to read and write bytes.


A string is an array of characters stored in memory. In .NET, a string is represented by the System.String class. It is represented as String in VB.NET and string in C#.


A binary file is a file that is encoded in a binary format and the data is stored as a series of bytes. Binary files can contain images, sounds, text, or compiled code. The BinaryReader and BinaryWriter classes are designed for reading and writing binary files.

Text And String Classes

TextReader Class

Is used to read a sequential series of characters. The StringReader, StreamReader, and BinaryReader classes inherit from the TextReader class.

TextWriter Class

Is used to write a sequential series of characters. The StringWriter, StreamWriter and BinaryWriter classes inherit from the TextWriter class.

Managing Strings

You can use the StringReader and StringWriter classes to read and write strings to strings.

StringReader class can extract each line from a long string that contains multiple lines.

The StringWriter class stores its information in a StringBuilder. You can use the StringBuilder class to manipulate strings.

Managing Streams Using StreamReader And StreamWriter  Classes
The StreamReader and StreamWriter classes are inherited from the TextReader and TextWriter classes. You can use the StreamReader class to read data from a stream and the StreamWriter class to write data to a stream.

Managing Binary Data Using BinaryReader And BinaryWriter Classes
Are used to read and write data in binary files, respectively. These classes read and write primitive data types as binary values. These classes are used to read and write binary files that can be shared with applications that process binary data.

Manipulating Strings
In .NET, a string is an array of characters of the Char data type. Consequently, a string is immutable because it is a reference type and does not hold its data directly. This means that after you assign a value to an object, you cannot change it. If you change the value of a string, a new string is created, and the variable points to the new string.

StringBuilder Class
To modify a string repeatedly without incurring the overhead of creating a new object every time you change the value of a string, you can use the StringBuilder class rather than working directly with a string.

The StringBuilder class represents a mutable string of characters.


Serializing Data
.NET 2.0 provides built-in classes to convert data to formats that are portable, or easy to transport to another location. This process of converting data into a portable format is called serialization. The process of restoring the object or data to its original state is called deserialization.

To store the application data in a location such as a database or a file, you need to convert it to a common format, such as a series of bytes. The process of converting objects and data into a common format for storage or transportation is called serialization.

The most common format in which objects and data can be serialized when storing or passing them between threads or application domains is the binary format. These application domains may reside on the same computer or in a controlled environment such as a network. The binary format is a series of bytes that represent the original state of the serialized object or data. At times, you may need to transfer data between applications that reside in completely different environments. In this situation, you can pass serialized objects and data between applications by using the Web. When passing an object or data over the Internet, the object must be serialized to a suitable format.

Serializing Objects Using BinaryFormatter And SoapFormatter
To determine the serialization format for objects, you need to use a formatter. A formatter is required to indicate how you want to format the data that you are going to save for deserialization.

BinaryFormatter class generates a compact stream when you serialize an object. So it is useful for storage and socket-based network streams. Serializes all the members of an object, such as properties and enumerations, including the private members. This allows BinaryFormatter to store all state data.

SoapFormatter class generates a stream in SOAP format when you serialize an object. SOAP is a specialized XML grammar intended for easy transport of data over the Web. You use this class for serialization in applications spanning heterogeneous environments. It is generally used for cross-platform interoperability. Serializes only those members of an object that are declared marked with the  Serializable attribute. Serializes only the publicly declared members of an object.

Generating Serialized XML Formats
The SoapFormatter class serializes and deserializes objects into the SOAP format according to the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) SOAP specifications. In addition, the SoapFormatter class produces entire SOAP messages with tags, such as header, and provides limited options to customize the generated format. The XmlSerializer class serializes and deserializes objects into and from XML documents. Unlike the SoapFormatter class, you can control how objects are encoded into the XML format by using the XmlSerializer class.

XML is an open standard and an XML stream can be processed by any application regardless of the platform. XML serialization is the process of converting the public properties and fields of an object to a serialized XML format for storage or transport purpose. XML serialization can also be used to serialize objects into XML streams
that conform to the SOAP specification.

By default, the XmlSerializer class maps each field and property of the object to be serialized to an XML element with the same name. This implies that the resulting XML, created by serializing a specific object, will possess separate elements to represent the members of the corresponding class with the same naming convention defined for these members in that class. By using the this class, you can customize the XML format of the object being serialized, rather than depending on the default mapping between the XML elements and the members of the class.

XML Serialization Attributes
Customize how XmlSerializer maps a class, field, or property to an XML document and declare types that are not explicitly referenced in a source file. As a result, they determine the resulting XML format for each class member associated with an attribute.

You can apply these XML serialization attributes to classes and class members to control the way in which XmlSerializer serializes or deserializes an instance of the class.

Handling XML Serialization Events Using Delegates
XML serialization delegates represent methods that can handle different events of an XmlSerializer class, such as the event raised when an unknown node, element, or attribute is found in the serialized stream during deserialization.


Implementing Delegates And Events
Delegates, like classes and interfaces, are reference types. You can declare a delegate type, define a variable of a delegate type, and create an instance of a delegate. Delegates are used to indirectly call one or more methods at run time. You do not specify the method that will be invoked when you declare the delegate type or a variable based on the delegate type. You specify the method that will be called when you create an instance of the delegate, and you can dynamically associate one or more instances with the variable at run time. You can use delegates to call a method indirectly. They are similar to function pointers in C++. However, unlike C++ function pointers, they are type safe and are instances of objects with their own properties and methods.

By using delegates, you can separate the invocation of a method from its definition. This makes it possible to change what a method does as the state of a program changes. By referencing a method as a delegate, you can also treat the method as an object. You can use the delegate to pass the method as a parameter in a different method invocation. You can also add multiple method references to the invocation list of a delegate. Then, when the delegate is invoked, you can call all the referenced methods.

Uses Of Delegates

Create events
All events in the .NET are based on delegate types.

Create asynchronous method calls
Callbacks in .NET 2.0 are based on delegate types.

Implement polymorphic behavior
If you have two objects that have similar methods with identical method signatures, you can use the same delegate to invoke them. These objects need not be related by inheritance and need not have a common interface. Moreover, the methods within these objects can have entirely different names.

Use generics in delegate signatures
By using generics, you can instantiate a stronglytyped delegate that can be used at run time with type safety without specifying a particular type in the signature of your delegate type declaration. This helps you create an event in a generic class and specify the return type and parameter types when you create an instance of the delegate.

Types Of Delegates

When a delegate references only a single method, it is called a singlecast delegate.

A delegate referencing more than one method is called a multicast delegate. As references to additional methods are added to the delegate, they are stored in the invocation list of the delegate. All delegates are implicitly multicast delegates.



Using Delegates By Using A Callback Pattern
This example creates a ReportPrinter class that is used to print multiple reports from an application. As the application needs feedback from the ReportPrinter class, it creates a method that can be called back from the ReportPrinter class.
New Techniques In C# 2.0 To Enhance Delegate Behavior

Anonymous Methods
Anonymous methods allow you to create an instance of a delegate by specifying a block of inline code to be invoked by the delegate rather than specifying an existing method to be invoked by the delegate. This allows you to conserve code because you do not need to create a new method every time a delegate is passed as a parameter to a method call.

Occurs when the return type of the method referenced by the delegate inherits from the return type of the delegate itself. Because the method’s return type inherits from the delegate’s return type, the signatures are still considered a match.

Contravariance permits the declaration of a delegate with parameters that inherit from the types used in the parameters of the method that will be invoked. However, for contravariance to work, the order and number of parameters in the signatures of the delegate as well as the method must still match.

Controlling Interaction Between Components Using Events
Events are a way for one class to notify another when something of interest happens. This is the foundation of event-driven programming. While creating the class that is notified, you can add an event handler for the event if you want to take some action as a result of occurrence of the event. By using events, you can develop classes independently of each other and still make them interact with each other at run time.

How Events Work
Events are designed based on the publisher or subscriber model.

The class that raises the event instantiates a delegate to be invoked when the event is raised. This class is known as a publisher. By using a delegate, the publisher can invoke one or more methods in the subscriber without determining the details of the methods.

The class that responds to the event adds one or more of its own methods to the publisher’s delegate. This class is known as a subscriber. When the publisher invokes the delegate, the subscriber’s methods are also invoked. The subscriber can specify zero, one, or many methods to respond to the publisher’s event, without needing to determine the details of how the event is raised.

Events, by their very nature, are one-way operations and do not have a return value; so, the subscriber does not need to consider the return value signature of the event.

Creating And Using Custom Events
·        Declare the event in your class and identify the delegate and arguments that will be used.

·        Declare a delegate that will be used to refer to the method or methods that will be called when you raise the event.

·        Design a class that will be used as an event argument to pass information to the called methods when you raise the event.


Using The EventArgs Class To Pass Arguments To An EventHandler
You can pass arguments to a method handling an event by using a class that inherits from the EventArgs class. In other words, whenever you want to pass a specific piece of data from an event publisher to a subscriber method, you need to use a custom class that inherits from the base EventArgs class.

You can create event handlers with the parameters you like, but it is a good practice to standardize on a signature that uses two parameters, an object parameter and a parameter that inherits from EventArgs. You will use the object parameter to pass a reference to the object that raised the event and the second parameter to pass data to the method that handles the event.

Configuring And Installing Assemblies
All the programs that you create in .NET are compiled as intermediate executable files called assemblies. An assembly is a self-contained unit of code that contains all the security, versioning, and dependency information and types and resources that are built to work together and form a logical unit of functionality.

By using assemblies, you can also counter the limitations of COM objects, such as the dependency of COM applications on registry settings. Assemblies resolve the versioning conflicts that arise among different versions of applications. Assemblies are portable and self dependent.

Difference Between .dll And .exe Files

Additional information about the.dll and .exe files is known as the metadata. The metadata is commonly stored in a separate file called a type library or a .tlb file.

Benefits Of Assemblies Over COM Components

With assemblies, you can install and run multiple versions of the application simultaneously on the same machine, which is not possible with COM. If you install a brand new COM component or another version of the same COM component, it would normally overwrite the pre-existing version. This limitation of COM components has led to other problems. You can rectify this situation by having multiple versions of assemblies installed simultaneously on the same machine.

You can run assemblies on multiple platforms. However, COM can only run on the Windows platform. Assemblies are compiled to Microsoft Intermediate Language or IL. This IL can then be ported to other platforms. In that format, it is known as a portable executable file or a PE file. A version of the common language runtime (CLR) that exists on the destination platform loads your MSIL. Using JIT compilers, the CLR compiles the MSIL to machine language for that particular environment.

Assemblies are self-dependent and do not require an external type library file. A section inside the assembly, known as the Manifest, contains the metadata, which stores information similar to that stored in type libraries.

IL Disassembler
.NET provides a command-line utility known as the IL Disassembler that enables you to look at the internal structure of an assembly. You can look at the contents in the manifest, how IL is structured, and how it is created and rendered from your search code after compilation occurs.

Forms Of Assemblies

Methods To Create Assemblies

·        Visual Studio Command Prompt
csc <filename>.cs

·        Visual Studio IDE
After creating a project in the IDE, use the Build command on the toolbar to create an assembly.

Single And Multi-File Assemblies
If an assembly is composed of a single *.dll or *.exe module, it is a single-file assembly. They contain all the necessary MSIL, metadata and associated manifest in an autonomous, single well-defined package.

Multi-file assemblies are composed of numerous .NET binaries, each of which is termed as a module. When building a multi-file assembly, one of these modules (primary module) must contain the assembly manifest. The other related modules contain a module-level manifest, MSIL and type metadata.


Steps To Create A Multi-File Assembly
***To be generated***

Forms Of Assemblies
On the basis of sharing, assemblies can be categorized into 2 types:

Private Assembly
An assembly that is deployed with an application and is available
for use only within that application is known as a private assembly. When you compile a code module in .NET, a private assembly is created in the application’s folder, by default.

Shared Assembly
An assembly that is installed in the GAC to be used by different applications is known as a shared assembly. The GAC maintains different versions of an assembly that you can use with different applications. You can also maintain multiple copies of an assembly with the same name in the GAC, with different version information. .NET provides gacutil.exe to install and uninstall shared assemblies to and from the GAC.

The Global Assembly Cache (GAC) (C:\<windows folder>\assembly) is a system-wide code cache managed by the CLR. Any assembly that needs to be shared among other applications is typically installed in the global assembly cache. The global assembly cache acts as a central repository for registering assemblies. There are many advantages to installing the shared assembly in the GAC. For eg, the GAC provides its own management tools, such as integrity checks, for an assembly when it’s added to the GAC. These checks ensure that an assembly is not tampered with, for eg, when a file has changed but the manifest does not reflect the change.

Assigning A Strong Name To An Assembly
A strong name provides a unique identity to an assembly. This prevents naming and versioning conflicts among assemblies and also ensures the authenticity of the assembly. Moreover, you can install only strongly-named assemblies in the global assembly cache. It is possible to have multiple copies of the same assembly in the global assembly cache and yet there will be no conflict as long as their strong names are different. Assigning strong names to assemblies allows multiple copies of an assembly with different versions run at the same time on the same computer. This is known as side-by-side execution.

Information Contained In Strong Names
·        The textual name of the assembly such as System.Data.
·        A version number.
·        A public key, such as, ab8734e01c1520ac and a digital signature that ensures the authenticity of an assembly. Such information allows .NET to check whether the referenced assembly is a genuine assembly or a malicious one by comparing its signature with the one stored in the manifest file of its calling assembly.
·        Culture information.


Deploying An Assembly Into The GAC
There are various benefits of deploying an assembly in the GAC:

1.   It enables different applications to reference an assembly from the same location.
2.   It helps you secure the assembly from unauthorized access because the GAC folder can only be accessed by the administrator or authorized users.
3.   It enables you to store multiple versions of the same assembly.

Assembly Deployment Methods

Installing An Assembly Using Installation Types
.NET includes classes that provide the flexibility to control the installation process of an application through custom installers. You can also use these classes to perform event-specific tasks during the installation process. For eg, if you want to install an application based on the number of copies purchased by a certain client, you need to perform certain validation tasks during the installation process. These tasks include the online validation of the client license, the number of copies purchased by the client, and the number of instances already installed by the client. To perform these custom tasks, you need a custom installer.

The installer can also ensure that the installation takes place only when the client computer is connected to the Internet and submits an installation summary to a remote online server after every installation or whenever an instance of the application is uninstalled. The custom installer also rolls back changes made to the client computer if an error occurs during installation. A custom installer can also install the database along with the executable files and resources required by the application.

How Assembly Installers Are Created
You can create installers either by using VS.NET or programmatically by using the command prompt window.

Visual Studio
Allows you to create four types of assembly installers:

1.   Setup project
Creates the assembly installer for Windows-based programs
that are installed on target systems. This project combines all
the elements required to install the assembly into a package
with a Setup.exe file. You can use this file to install the
assembly in a private assembly folder or the GAC.

2.   Web Setup project
Creates the assembly installer for Web-based programs. This
project creates a setup program that installs files in a virtual
folder on a Web server.

3.   Merge Module project
Creates an installation package of the assemblies that can be shared by multiple applications. You cannot deploy a Merge Module project independently.

4.   CAB project
Creates a setup file that is small in size. A CAB project helps you compress the assembly installers.

Command Prompt
Enables more flexibility in customizing your assembly installers. It also gives you more control over handling errors at the time of installation.

Creating Custom Installation Applications Using The Installer Class
Sometimes you need to carry out more advanced actions during an installation process than the ones that standard setup projects offer. Such types of actions during an installation process are called as custom actions and can be implemented by using custom installer classes.

.NET provides the Installer class as a base class to create custom installer classes. You can override the methods of the Installer class to perform specific tasks that meet your requirements. The Installer class is a member of the System.Configuration.Install namespace.

Steps To Create A Custom Installer Class
1.   Create a class that is inherited from the Installer class.
2.   Implement overrides for the Install, Commit, Rollback, and Uninstall methods.
3.   Add the RunInstallerAttribute to the derived class and set it to true. (if not done, the custom installer classes or custom actions will not be invoked during the installation process.)
4.   Invoke the installer.

Creating Globalized Applications

Globalization in terms of software design refers to designing a software application in a neutral way. This means that the content that relates to a specific language and culture is separated from the source code. By doing this, you can later localize the application without modifying the source code of the software program.

Localizing an application involves supplying the various resources required for your application and displaying everything in the user interface in the localized language. This process is called localization. Resources such as text strings are localized. You can design the bitmaps according to regional conventions to deliver the original application experience in the selected culture and language. When localizing an application, you need to consider the different formats and cultural symbols of the target market.

.NET 2.0 provides various classes that help create global applications. These classes belong to the System.Globalization namespace.

The process of creating a globalized business application in .NET is normally broken down into the processes of globalization, localizability, and localization.

Globalization is the process of designing your application so that it is able to detect when different cultures are making requests of it. The process of globalization is preparing and designing application so it’s capable of detecting and responding correctly to the various cultures and locales in which it is used.

Localizability is the process of preparing an application for globalization. Localizability is an analysis where you identify issues in the application that could hamper localization. Once an application has been through the process of localizability and is ready to be globalized, the application has two primary blocks, a data block and a code block. The data block is locale specific resources and the code block is the code that is applicable to any culture which makes requests for your application. Code block is any type of code that replies to anything. Data block is locale specific information resources.

Localization is the process of going through and creating localized resources. Localized resources are strings and data which appear in the language for a particular culture or locale. Globalized apps do not have to be localized. You may have globalized applications which do not localize but you can never have a localized application without it being globalized.

A culture is a combination of a country and a language code, which allows you to identify a specific country and language combination. Every culture has some particular things which are special to that culture. There are typically different calendar settings, date-time settings, casings, and indexing orders that will be used for ordering information. You can also have string formats, which are different for culture as well.

Each culture is identified using an industry-standard code. This code takes the form of two pieces—two segments. The first segment of the code is going to consist of two lowercase characters. The two lowercase characters are used to identify the language. The two lowercase characters typically have a dash and after the dash you have two uppercase characters. The two uppercase characters will be representing the country for which you are representing as well.

Accessing Culture Information Using CultureInfo Class
Its is used to create global applications. The combination of each language and region is represented by a new instance of this class, initialized with the desired culture code. The CultureInfo class provides various properties and methods that you can use to format display values.

Accessing Region Information Using RegionInfo Class
The RegionInfo class is used for creating globalized applications. This class represents specific country formats defined in the Windows operating system, along with any customization that you make to the region through the Regional and Language Options in Control Panel  in Windows.

The RegionInfo class provides a number of properties that return the correct format for the specified region. By using the RegionInfo class, you can retrieve different facts about the region that you are targeting.

Formatting Date/Time Values In A Culture Using DateTimeFormatInfo Class
The DateTimeFormatInfo class in the System.Globalization namespace helps you manipulate date/time values and format them accordingly to the selected CultureInfo region.

An object of the DateTimeFormatInfo class holds information on how to format and use date/time values in different regions. You can inspect this information directly by calling the properties and methods inside this class.

Formatting Numeric Values Using NumberFormatInfo Class
This class helps to format numeric values, such as currency values, in particular string formats, depending on the culture. You can use this class when you want to display numeric values to the user by following regional conventions.

You can specify the format values by using the NumberStyles enumeration. You can combine multiple individual enumeration values to instruct the Parse() method of the integer type on how you want to handle the string by using the NumberStyles enumeration.

When you call the Parse() method on a type, such as an integer, the Parse method helps you to input how you want to parse the corresponding string into an integer.
Comparing Culture Information Using CompareInfo Class
It is used to perform string comparisons that follow regional order. You need to use an object of the CultureInfo class and retrieve the CompareInfo property. By retrieving CompareInfo from an object of the CultureInfo class that represents the desired culture, you can perform string comparisons by using the methods of the CompareInfo class. You can use the CompareInfo class in any method that expects the IComparable interface because CompareInfo implements IComparable, especially to perform sorting operations.

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