Monday, 8 July 2013

What is the Use of ASP.NET Application ?

When we create any application in the main advantage is that it is platform independent i.e it can be accessed on any platform like linux operating system.
To pass a value from one page to another there are at least 12-13 events that gets called. so we need to understand on which event we have to code.. So before we should know about some terminologies..
Some Web Application Terminologies..
1) Website or Web Page is a means of displaying information on the internet. And this can be in text, audio, graphics, video formats. Webpages are stored in website so website is a collection of webpages.
2) Browser is a software which allows your machine to connect to any remote server on the internet and display the There are two types of browsers i) Text Based   ii) Graphics Based Browsers
Text Based Browsers display information only in a plain text format.
Graphics Browsers display information in any graphical format.
Default Browser of windows is Internet Explorer.
Default Browser of Linux is Mozilla. it doesn't support IE.
Netscape Nagivator developed by sun microsystems.
3) Server : where all the website data is stored. Server is an entity which has got some resource which can be shared.
Type of Servers :
Print Servers
Disk Servers
Memory Servers
File Servers
Web Servers has got pages which can be shared. Web application is deployed on the webserver. WebServer is also a Machine. Webserver is installed on top of the operating system. IIS is a software and after installing IIS on your machine it becomes a Web Server..  IIS is a means of hosting your web application. Microsoft official Server is IIS.
Server is an entity which has got some resource which can shared.
4) Client is another entity which wants to gain access to the resource held on server.
Browser is also a client
Client can be any entity.
5) IP Address : is a mechanism wherby every machine on a network has got a unique number. It is a collection of four numbers.
6) Protocols : Set of rules which determines how the data is transmitted over the network. Base protocol on which the entire connectivity work is TCP/IP.
FTP : File Transfer Protocol
HTTP : Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
SMTP : Simple Mail Transfer Protocol.
SOAP : Simple Object Access Protocol which is used by webservers.
7) URLS : Uniform Resource Locator is the address of the resource on the internet. Url is made up of different parts ex.
http -> is a protocol. is domain name of the server. or you can type type ipaddress also instead of this. After domain name is the forward slash and after it here match is a folder in which score.aspx page is placed on the server.
8) HTML and DHTML :  HTML is a language to design web pages. Html pages are dead pages they are not user interactive. To make web pages dynamic we uses DHTML. But DHTML has also got its limit to make a page dynamic.
9) Scripting is a means of embedding programming like code inside a webpage to make it more dynamic.
10) Request & Response : Every application has got some architecture. Web Application typically function on a Three Tier Application. It can be more than three tier.
What is Tier ?

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